2009 Reflection QuestionsBe sure to leave me a comment with a link if you answer them. Happy New Year!
1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
A lot of great things happened this year that I cannot think of a single "thing" that was the best, so I will list a few....is that ok? I got to travel to CA twice, I went to Disneyland after over 15 years of not going there, I quit my old job and got a fabulous new job, I overcame depression.....there are more than that, but I had to list a few!
2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
The most challenging thing was overcoming depression and jealousy from the lack of being a mother or being pregnant yet. I have learned this year to continue to walk in the path that God prepared for me and to not be envious of other people's paths because we're all different.
3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?
An unexpected joy this past year was probably going back to taking dance classes at Ballet Austin. I love teaching ballet, but not as much I love taking ballet class! Don't get me wrong....teaching ballet is probably one of my favorite things to do, but the joy of not being the teacher and returning to the ballet barre is fantastic! I remember I was taking my second class when I returned to taking that I was doing plie's and I was filled with happiness and strong emotion that I started to tear up. Dance is what I'm supposed to do, even if I'm not the "ideal" dancer, it's what I was designed to do!
4. What was an unexpected obstacle?
The most unexpected obstacle that I faced this year was when I was fired from my teaching position at Ballet New Braunfels. People may think that I hold a lot of hard feelings towards that studio and those who attend there, but that isn't the case. I have forgiven those who intended to hurt me and discourage me and I have moved on. I still refuse to stay out of the lives of those precious girls that I used to teach because they are amazing young women and young dancers and I just want to see them grow in their lives as well as their talents.
5. Pick three words to describe 2009.
Difficult, Enlightening, Healing
6. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe your 2009 (don’t ask them; guess based on how you think your spouse sees you).
Emotional, Healed, Facebook.....J/K....maybe Moving On (can I use one bigger word and a smaller word too?)
7. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe their 2009 (again, without asking).
Awkward, Slow, Learning/Growing
8. What were the best books you read this year?
"Fearless" By: Max Lucado
9. With whom were your most valuable relationships?
God, my husband, my parents, BNB special Mommies, my "kiddos".....
10. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
My biggest personal change from Jan to December was my transformed heart. How I learned to be satisfied in where I am right now while I continue to hope for what's to come.
11. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?
I feel that I learned to maintain my ability to keep my passion for a family alive without becoming overly obsessed about it. I feel that I used to just focus on what I didn't have yet and only see the small things, rather than look at the bigger picture. We all tend to just focus on the smaller things in life instead of seeing the blessing in where God has us right now. We always want what we don't have and I feel that this year I've learned to keep that hope for a family alive without driving myself and everyone around me crazy.
12. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?
Well, Matt and I haven't been regularly attending church services this year. I'm not proud of that fact, but it's the truth. It has nothing to do with lack of faith or being angry with God because that is ridiculous. We haven't been able to find a good, truth-teaching, genuine people and leadership church here where we are at. Funny thing is the other night while we were laying in bed Matt brought up that subject that he'd like to find a church to belong to again. The trouble is we've been to pretty much every church in the greater San Antonio area and have even ventured up to Austin and have found nothing! This is sooooo discouraging and I feel kind of hopeless in our search right now. Anyways, now that I've explained what's going on I need ya'll to know that even though we haven't been attending church in a building, God has continued to amaze me and teach me things every day regardless of our situation. God isn't relegated to any one church or a church building for that matter. He is everywhere and with us all the time! A fabulous way that we've found to still attend church is by going online at lifechurch.tv! We can still get good teaching and sing worship songs online! I don't plan on always attending church by this means, but it's nice to know that it's out there! The fact is that God has continued to move in our life and He hasn't gone anywhere. My faith is stronger now than it was a year ago and that didn't come from sitting in a pew every Sunday morning. My faith grew because I stayed faithful to studying God's Word and prayer. He also didn't ever leave my side either....and that's the best part of all!
13. In what way(s) did you grow physically?
I started taking ballet classes again and that helps diminish stress as well as keeps me healthy! I'd like to take more classes during the week when I can. I plan on doing so starting in january!
14. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?
I think that my relationships with others could be better. This is something I'd like to improve upon in 2010.
15. What was the most enjoyable area of managing your home?
I love having a nice home and I love it when it's clean, but that doesn't happen all of the time! Cleaning the house is something that I somewhat enjoy doing, but when you have 2500 square feet to clean.......torture!!! If I had the extra money I would hire someone to tidy up for me at least once a month. My favorite thing is to decorate and organization.....when I get the chance to.
16. What was your most challenging area of home management?
Cleaning a two-story, 2500 square foot house! I long for the one-story days again! Our next house will be a one-story fo sho!
17. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
Depression......people say that Facebook is a time waster, but I don't really agree with that. The stupid things like Farmville and whatever-ville are the time wasters, but reconnecting with old friends and seeing what's going on in everyone's lives is my favorite part!
18. What was the best way you used your time this past year?
Using my photography talents.....I'd like to use that more this new year for sure!
19. What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
See all the previously answered questions above!
20. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2009 for you.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of things we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
I answered them all before the end of 2009!!!! Hope y'all have fun answering them too :-)
PDawg's 2009 Reflection Questions
Thursday, December 31, 2009
I know the questions didn't come directly from HP, but she inspired me by her blog to answer them too. I am also a sucker for questionnaires and I couldn't resist! So here goes nothin'......
Reflecting on 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I cannot believe that 2009 has come and almost gone already! So many things have happened this year, some good and some not so good, but all in all it has been a whirlwind! Honestly, it feels like only yesterday my family was here visiting and it was 2008. I know I had hopes and dreams for what 2009 would hold for me and my loved ones, but the fact is it wasn't everything we had expected. It wasn't completely an "easy" year. For some of us it was full of trials, disappointments, heartache, etc. etc. It is so easy to reflect upon 2009 as a non-blessed year, but even in all the difficulties faced, God remained our perfect Father and blessed us regardless of the chaos!
Just a few weeks ago I was talking with my Dad about his trip to visit us here in Texas and I had asked him if he was getting excited. He didn't completely sound excited even though I knew he was, he just sounded worn out and sad. It's hard for me to hear disappointment in anyone's voice let alone my Dad's and I asked him if he was ok. He replied, "I'm just ready for 2009 to be over". I agreed with him and we continued to complain about all the crud that had occurred in the previous months. I bring up that conversation because it shows that we just merely focused on the negative events of 2009 instead of seeing all the good that had happened.
This past weekend we were fortunate enough to visit great friends, The Goldstein's, up in Dallas. We attended worship with them on Sunday and their speaker was Conner Bailes of Prestonwood Church. He challenged us to not lose sight of the blessings of 2009. He talked about how he and his family had experienced hardships with their family's health this year. He also touched on the economic struggles that our country has faced this year. Yes, this year has been hard, but don't forget how God has blessed us this year. Don't forget what God has changed in your life this year.
Conner's challenge brought joyful tears to my eyes as the Spirit reminded me of how my heart has been healed this year. I started this year off (as I have for maybe the past 2 years) in hopes that this would be the year that God would bless us with a child. Here we are, it's December 29th and I am not a mommy yet, nor am I pregnant yet. If this was last year I would have been crying bitter tears and still asking God "Why me?". This year I can say that I am not crying as I type this and I have a thankful, transformed heart that God has turned from bitter to joyful! This year I have been taught to be completely satisfied in my marriage to my wonderful husband and to be contented in being Matt's wife (also "dog-mom" to my sweet pups Sprock and Snick).
I am so fortunate to have been married for 4 years now to the most incredible, patient, loving man in the entire world! I started this year off coming out of the grip of depression over this "not being a mommy yet" thing. Everything that had to do with babies and pregnancy and my lack of the two made me cry....I'm talking full on hiccups and snot everywhere crying! My husband was there for me through all of it. A regular man would have called it quits, but God knew what I would need when he designed Matt especially for me. My husband might not be the strongest man, but he holds me better than anyone ever has! This year I received peace about our "situation" in knowing that God has taken care of it and knowing that is all I need.
I just feel so blessed to NOT HAVE KIDS RIGHT NOW!!!! It still sounds funny to me when I say that, but it's totally true! I love the life that we have and the freedom that we have as man and wife to go and do as we please. When that kid comes I don't want to say that I lose my freedom, but everything that I know now is going to change completely. So, for now, I am a very lucky girl to not have kids right at this very moment......and I will still be lucky when they do arrive!
The peace in my heart that I have received this year is the best gift I could have ever gotten. I am also lucky enough to have an amazing support of family and friends who pray for me all the time! My Mom is the best prayer warrior out there that I know and if she says that she's going to pray for you, she is going to pray for you!!! I am blessed to have the best parents in the whole world! They are a perfect example of God's faithfulness in His perfect plan for me. They didn't have an easy time starting their family either and (according to my mom) they starting trying the moment they got married. It didn't happen until 5 years after they were married for them to have my brother, Bart, and then another 5 years after that to have me! Their "trials" in trying to have a family is a perfect example to me that God is constantly at work. We cannot always see it and we don't always understand what in the heck He is doing, but that isn't our job! Our job is to hang in there because God is good and His plan is soooooo perfect and worth waiting for!
There are so many good things that happened in 2009 that are worth mentioning. I got to go several different places, many people visited us, meet terrific people, etc. etc. This year and previous years prove to me that God loves me and has a perfect plan for me while I'm here in this imperfect place. So, if you get a chance (and I'm sure you will) think about the good of 2009, don't miss out on remembering God's many blessings of this year!! As for me, I am blessed in 2009 and am looking forward to the blessings of 2010!
Just a few weeks ago I was talking with my Dad about his trip to visit us here in Texas and I had asked him if he was getting excited. He didn't completely sound excited even though I knew he was, he just sounded worn out and sad. It's hard for me to hear disappointment in anyone's voice let alone my Dad's and I asked him if he was ok. He replied, "I'm just ready for 2009 to be over". I agreed with him and we continued to complain about all the crud that had occurred in the previous months. I bring up that conversation because it shows that we just merely focused on the negative events of 2009 instead of seeing all the good that had happened.
This past weekend we were fortunate enough to visit great friends, The Goldstein's, up in Dallas. We attended worship with them on Sunday and their speaker was Conner Bailes of Prestonwood Church. He challenged us to not lose sight of the blessings of 2009. He talked about how he and his family had experienced hardships with their family's health this year. He also touched on the economic struggles that our country has faced this year. Yes, this year has been hard, but don't forget how God has blessed us this year. Don't forget what God has changed in your life this year.
Conner's challenge brought joyful tears to my eyes as the Spirit reminded me of how my heart has been healed this year. I started this year off (as I have for maybe the past 2 years) in hopes that this would be the year that God would bless us with a child. Here we are, it's December 29th and I am not a mommy yet, nor am I pregnant yet. If this was last year I would have been crying bitter tears and still asking God "Why me?". This year I can say that I am not crying as I type this and I have a thankful, transformed heart that God has turned from bitter to joyful! This year I have been taught to be completely satisfied in my marriage to my wonderful husband and to be contented in being Matt's wife (also "dog-mom" to my sweet pups Sprock and Snick).
I am so fortunate to have been married for 4 years now to the most incredible, patient, loving man in the entire world! I started this year off coming out of the grip of depression over this "not being a mommy yet" thing. Everything that had to do with babies and pregnancy and my lack of the two made me cry....I'm talking full on hiccups and snot everywhere crying! My husband was there for me through all of it. A regular man would have called it quits, but God knew what I would need when he designed Matt especially for me. My husband might not be the strongest man, but he holds me better than anyone ever has! This year I received peace about our "situation" in knowing that God has taken care of it and knowing that is all I need.
I just feel so blessed to NOT HAVE KIDS RIGHT NOW!!!! It still sounds funny to me when I say that, but it's totally true! I love the life that we have and the freedom that we have as man and wife to go and do as we please. When that kid comes I don't want to say that I lose my freedom, but everything that I know now is going to change completely. So, for now, I am a very lucky girl to not have kids right at this very moment......and I will still be lucky when they do arrive!
The peace in my heart that I have received this year is the best gift I could have ever gotten. I am also lucky enough to have an amazing support of family and friends who pray for me all the time! My Mom is the best prayer warrior out there that I know and if she says that she's going to pray for you, she is going to pray for you!!! I am blessed to have the best parents in the whole world! They are a perfect example of God's faithfulness in His perfect plan for me. They didn't have an easy time starting their family either and (according to my mom) they starting trying the moment they got married. It didn't happen until 5 years after they were married for them to have my brother, Bart, and then another 5 years after that to have me! Their "trials" in trying to have a family is a perfect example to me that God is constantly at work. We cannot always see it and we don't always understand what in the heck He is doing, but that isn't our job! Our job is to hang in there because God is good and His plan is soooooo perfect and worth waiting for!
There are so many good things that happened in 2009 that are worth mentioning. I got to go several different places, many people visited us, meet terrific people, etc. etc. This year and previous years prove to me that God loves me and has a perfect plan for me while I'm here in this imperfect place. So, if you get a chance (and I'm sure you will) think about the good of 2009, don't miss out on remembering God's many blessings of this year!! As for me, I am blessed in 2009 and am looking forward to the blessings of 2010!
Ugh.....I never know what to blog about!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Well, nothing very interesting has happened as of lately. Just work and such. Gettin' ready for Thanksgiving on Thursday. I'm glad that it's just gonna be Matt and me this year! Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the past 2 years of Thanksgiving here in Texas that we've spent with friends, but this is our first Thanksgiving where we are cooking just for us. We are establishing our family traditions as Mr. and Mrs. Matt Reed. I get to test out my turkey-making skills and green bean casserole skills.....you get the picture! Here's a taste of what we're making:
Reed Thanksgiving Menu
Turkey with Williams Sonoma Smokehouse Turkey Rub
Pepperidge Farm Stuffing
Whipped Sweet Potatoes
Loaded Mashed Potatoes
Campbell's Green Bean Casserole
Salad w/ Homemade Ranch Dressing
Two Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake
Turkey with Williams Sonoma Smokehouse Turkey Rub
Pepperidge Farm Stuffing
Whipped Sweet Potatoes
Loaded Mashed Potatoes
Campbell's Green Bean Casserole
Salad w/ Homemade Ranch Dressing
Two Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake
I will be sure to post pictures of what we make.....I am very excited!!!
I have also decided that I am going to be waking up early on Black Friday to do some Christmas/Anniversary shopping! I am waking my butt up at 5:00 in the am!!! And for all y'all that read this you know that I am traditionally not an early riser, but I have set it in my mind that I'm going to do it! No excuses!!! Ha! I have also set it in my mind that it is going to be a madhouse anywhere I go and to be very relaxed about it. I have a personal space issue and am not very keen on crowds, but God will be with me and He will get me through the rush hour of holiday shoppers! Ya hear me God? I need You on Friday!!! Well, I need You every day, but You know what I mean!!
Anyway, that's my blog for today....there will be more to come very soon. Hopefully I get to it before 2010! Hope you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving!!!
I have also decided that I am going to be waking up early on Black Friday to do some Christmas/Anniversary shopping! I am waking my butt up at 5:00 in the am!!! And for all y'all that read this you know that I am traditionally not an early riser, but I have set it in my mind that I'm going to do it! No excuses!!! Ha! I have also set it in my mind that it is going to be a madhouse anywhere I go and to be very relaxed about it. I have a personal space issue and am not very keen on crowds, but God will be with me and He will get me through the rush hour of holiday shoppers! Ya hear me God? I need You on Friday!!! Well, I need You every day, but You know what I mean!!
Anyway, that's my blog for today....there will be more to come very soon. Hopefully I get to it before 2010! Hope you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving!!!
I am on a bloggin' roll!!!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Two blogs in one day??? Whoah, who am I? Ha ha ha!!! Well, this one's a small blog*. I just wanted to post some of the upcoming events in my life that I am very excited about today.....
10/27/09- Going to Austin to see the SYTYCD tour show!!! I cannot wait!!

11/4/09- Happy birthday to me! I'm gonna be 29 today....one more year in my twenties, here we go!! Come on thirties!!! Check with me next year this time to see if I'm still excited.

11/6-11/7/09- The Goldstein's (Kevin, Megan, Kellen and Kayla) are coming down to my neck of the Texas woods!!! We are gonna go venture down to the River Walk and get some yummy tex-mex....I'm so excited to have "family" in Texas! Now if we could just speed up the whole moving up to Dallas thing....hmmmm.....

11/26/09- Who isn't excited about Thanksgiving? Matt is gonna be on-call this time, but it'll be ok. The holiday pay is always a good thing! Plus, we get to cook together for one another and no one else this time! I'm already planning the menu...ha!!!

12/16/09- Matt and I celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe that we've almost been married that long! Time flies when you're in love and having fun! Also, my mom arrives in Texas for a long, long Christmas visit. I have no idea why the 'rents don't just move here?!

12/24/09- Christmas Eve my Dad arrives here in Texas for his yearly visit to our great state!

12/25/09- Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Jesus! I wonder what movie we'll see this year???

12/26/09- The fam heads up to Dallas for my parent's first time up there and to visit the Goldstein's! I love Dallas!

12/27/09- Mom, Megan and I are going to see, drumroll please.................................. The Radio City Rockettes on tour in Grand Prairie!!!! Oh! This is gonna be one of the biggest highlights of 2009 for me!

12/31/09- Last day of this year.....it might still only be October, but I'm ready to close the book on the chapter of my life in 2009. Bring on 2010!! I'm ready now! :)
What are you excited about for the remainder of this year???
*This blog was a lot longer than I thought it would be....sorry for all the illustrations, but it was fun!
10/27/09- Going to Austin to see the SYTYCD tour show!!! I cannot wait!!

11/4/09- Happy birthday to me! I'm gonna be 29 today....one more year in my twenties, here we go!! Come on thirties!!! Check with me next year this time to see if I'm still excited.

11/6-11/7/09- The Goldstein's (Kevin, Megan, Kellen and Kayla) are coming down to my neck of the Texas woods!!! We are gonna go venture down to the River Walk and get some yummy tex-mex....I'm so excited to have "family" in Texas! Now if we could just speed up the whole moving up to Dallas thing....hmmmm.....

11/26/09- Who isn't excited about Thanksgiving? Matt is gonna be on-call this time, but it'll be ok. The holiday pay is always a good thing! Plus, we get to cook together for one another and no one else this time! I'm already planning the menu...ha!!!

12/16/09- Matt and I celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe that we've almost been married that long! Time flies when you're in love and having fun! Also, my mom arrives in Texas for a long, long Christmas visit. I have no idea why the 'rents don't just move here?!

12/24/09- Christmas Eve my Dad arrives here in Texas for his yearly visit to our great state!

12/25/09- Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Jesus! I wonder what movie we'll see this year???

12/26/09- The fam heads up to Dallas for my parent's first time up there and to visit the Goldstein's! I love Dallas!

12/27/09- Mom, Megan and I are going to see, drumroll please.................................. The Radio City Rockettes on tour in Grand Prairie!!!! Oh! This is gonna be one of the biggest highlights of 2009 for me!

12/31/09- Last day of this year.....it might still only be October, but I'm ready to close the book on the chapter of my life in 2009. Bring on 2010!! I'm ready now! :)
What are you excited about for the remainder of this year???
*This blog was a lot longer than I thought it would be....sorry for all the illustrations, but it was fun!
Some Things to Ponder
My best friend and sister in law, April, sends me a lot of fun emails. Some are pictures of dogs and cats dressed in halloween costumes and others are for pondering. I really enjoyed reading this one this morning. I hope that it inspires you today :)
Oh, and here are some pics of April and me....Heather (and Ad) are in there too!

Written By Regina Brett of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio
"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 50 in August, so here is the column once more:"
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5.. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry..
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25.No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ''In five years, will this matter?".
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business..
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd
grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Oh, and here are some pics of April and me....Heather (and Ad) are in there too!

Written By Regina Brett of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio
"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 50 in August, so here is the column once more:"
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5.. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry..
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25.No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ''In five years, will this matter?".
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business..
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd
grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Random update....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I had acupuncture yesterday!!!! More to come later!!!! Going to see Jason Mraz in concert tonight....yes, you can be jealous!!!!! Peace out y'all!!!!! :)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Not sure if all y'all in blog-land will be blogging about 9/11/01 today, but I felt like it.
This morning I turned the TV on to see if anyone was reporting on the tragedy that happened eight years ago today. Eight years! I can' t believe it's been that long! It really seems like it happened last year. So, I turned on the tv and the Today Show wasn't talking about it and neither was Good Morning America....go figure, I had to go to the Fox News Channel to see anything about it. They had special tributes and moments of silence and everything you would expect to see today. When I was flipping through the channels and looking at what was going on it was almost as if no one was remembering what happened. Not that we should be dwelling on the past, but I think that today is a day to always remember. It was said the day that this tragedy took place that it was another "Day that will live in infamy".....it certainly will be the day of infamy for my generation. It is really like our "Pearl Harbor" for those of us old enough to remember what happened on this day eight years ago.
I will never forget......
I was working at AT&T Wireless at the time. 9/11/01 was the year anniversary of my employment there. I worked the 2-11 shift and was sleeping when the first plane hit..... My mom has always been an early riser and when she woke up she turned on the tv and it was all over the stations. I remember her coming into my room bawling her eyes out and saying "Sarah, someone has bombed the world trade center in New York". At first I didn't know what she was talking about, all I wanted to do was sleep, but I woke up and walked into my parents bedroom. My dad was sitting on the edge of the bed and my mom was curled up on her side of the bed still crying. I was in a groggy state of shock. It was like watching a movie because it didn't seem real at all! We just sat there with eyes wide open. There were tears and gasps as we watched footage of the second plane hitting the other tower....to this day when I watch it happen I just cannot believe it actually happened. I got up and called my ex-boyfriend (boyfriend at the time) and I think he was already watching it too at his parents house. As the day went on and the news of the other crashes arose I called into my supervisor at work to see if we were to come in to work. He said that we were, so I got ready and went in. Our call center was right down the street from the CA National Guard headquarters and there was a blockade set up. I had to show them my work ID so I could get into the parking lot at work.....I felt like our nation had become a war zone even though those incidents were thousands of miles away. We went into the building, went upstairs into the call center area and it was completely silent (if you've ever worked customer service you know that's an odd thing because there is always talking going on). We went over to our work area and our "team" was standing around our sup. He explained to us that we had an option to stay and work for triple pay or go home to be with our families. It just didn't feel right to be working, so I opted to go home and spend the rest of the evening with my family. As the day dwindled down we all were back at home eyes still glued to the tv and the smoke billowing over Manhattan. I felt violated and numb at the same time.
It has been eight years and other things have happened on this day over those years. I lost a friend, Brian, on 9/11, but a few years after the towers came down. He was on a church boating trip, he slipped and fell into the propeller of the boat. He was such an amazing man of God and I will always remember Brian and his amazing family!
I feel that this day needs to become a national holiday of rememberance. Not just for those who perished in the attack or while helping, but to remember all tragedies. I feel one day it might become just that, but while we wait for that day we can all still remember and pray. We can pray for the families that are still grieving their loved ones, we can pray for our nation, we can pray for our President and our congress men and women. We can pray for our troops that are still being deployed to protect our great nation and other nations from those that would want to cause harm. We just need to pray and to never forget what happened on this day eight years ago in New York, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon.
"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
This morning I turned the TV on to see if anyone was reporting on the tragedy that happened eight years ago today. Eight years! I can' t believe it's been that long! It really seems like it happened last year. So, I turned on the tv and the Today Show wasn't talking about it and neither was Good Morning America....go figure, I had to go to the Fox News Channel to see anything about it. They had special tributes and moments of silence and everything you would expect to see today. When I was flipping through the channels and looking at what was going on it was almost as if no one was remembering what happened. Not that we should be dwelling on the past, but I think that today is a day to always remember. It was said the day that this tragedy took place that it was another "Day that will live in infamy".....it certainly will be the day of infamy for my generation. It is really like our "Pearl Harbor" for those of us old enough to remember what happened on this day eight years ago.
I will never forget......
I was working at AT&T Wireless at the time. 9/11/01 was the year anniversary of my employment there. I worked the 2-11 shift and was sleeping when the first plane hit..... My mom has always been an early riser and when she woke up she turned on the tv and it was all over the stations. I remember her coming into my room bawling her eyes out and saying "Sarah, someone has bombed the world trade center in New York". At first I didn't know what she was talking about, all I wanted to do was sleep, but I woke up and walked into my parents bedroom. My dad was sitting on the edge of the bed and my mom was curled up on her side of the bed still crying. I was in a groggy state of shock. It was like watching a movie because it didn't seem real at all! We just sat there with eyes wide open. There were tears and gasps as we watched footage of the second plane hitting the other tower....to this day when I watch it happen I just cannot believe it actually happened. I got up and called my ex-boyfriend (boyfriend at the time) and I think he was already watching it too at his parents house. As the day went on and the news of the other crashes arose I called into my supervisor at work to see if we were to come in to work. He said that we were, so I got ready and went in. Our call center was right down the street from the CA National Guard headquarters and there was a blockade set up. I had to show them my work ID so I could get into the parking lot at work.....I felt like our nation had become a war zone even though those incidents were thousands of miles away. We went into the building, went upstairs into the call center area and it was completely silent (if you've ever worked customer service you know that's an odd thing because there is always talking going on). We went over to our work area and our "team" was standing around our sup. He explained to us that we had an option to stay and work for triple pay or go home to be with our families. It just didn't feel right to be working, so I opted to go home and spend the rest of the evening with my family. As the day dwindled down we all were back at home eyes still glued to the tv and the smoke billowing over Manhattan. I felt violated and numb at the same time.
It has been eight years and other things have happened on this day over those years. I lost a friend, Brian, on 9/11, but a few years after the towers came down. He was on a church boating trip, he slipped and fell into the propeller of the boat. He was such an amazing man of God and I will always remember Brian and his amazing family!
I feel that this day needs to become a national holiday of rememberance. Not just for those who perished in the attack or while helping, but to remember all tragedies. I feel one day it might become just that, but while we wait for that day we can all still remember and pray. We can pray for the families that are still grieving their loved ones, we can pray for our nation, we can pray for our President and our congress men and women. We can pray for our troops that are still being deployed to protect our great nation and other nations from those that would want to cause harm. We just need to pray and to never forget what happened on this day eight years ago in New York, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon.
"...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
Acupuncture Consultation, Congee and Piranhas???
Sunday, September 6, 2009
This past week went by quickly and slowly.....kinda weird? Yes, but it really did.
Last Monday Matt and I went to visit The Texas Center for Reproductive Acupuncture (www.texasfertilityacupuncture.com) for our consultation with Kirsten Karchmer, who is co-founder of this place and a board certified reproductive acupuncturist. I admit that while we were driving to the appointment I was a little scared. First of all, they make you fill out this 5 page health history questionnaire which comes in very handy when Kirsten makes her "diagnosis" and prescribes her plan for you. Secondly, I was scared because I had so many questions "What if she can't help me?", "Am I really infertile?", "Are we doing the right thing, is this what God is leading us to do?".....you know, stuff like that! But we entered the doors and walked down the hallway of the fertility clinic that her practice is in. Funnily we were led down the hall paved with a sperm walk/swim way. LOL!!! That sight totally put me at ease.
We were welcomed by Kirsten and proceeded on into her room and sat down. Can I say that I am so glad that Matt was there even though he was groggy and probably not that excited to be there? I really am thankful for him, he puts up with a lot! (I mean a lot!) She took my paperwork, examined it for a bit and began to half ask questions and the other half tell me what was going wrong with me. It's like she's seen me before because she knew what she would see on my following pages just by glancing at my PMS symptoms and menstrual cycle information. (sorry if this is TMI, but I am an honest and open person, deal with it) She asked me so many other things and it went by so quickly that I can't remember all of them, but the next step came....my homework! She started off by giving me a "Basal Body Temperature for Dummies" run-down...my mom had told me sooo many times that I needed to track it, she even went as far as to buy me not only one, but two different digital basal thermometers! (that I haven't used since this week, sorry mom) Anyway, she told me to start tracking it daily and the path that she wanted my cycle/temperature to be at the end of 3 months. She told me that mine, based on my current health and cycle, would be pretty erratic, but it would eventually smooth out over time. After that she told me about eating for my cycle to promote this proper blood flow and to make for healthier blood. Apparently in chinese medicine, blood and it's flow is everything to maintain ideal health and wellness. My blood flow is not as good as it should be based on my symptoms. So she then prescribed "congee" for me to eat for breakfast every day!
Congee consists of one cup of organic brown rice, water and 6-7 dried apricots left in the crock pot to stew overnight on low heat. Random? Yup! It is a body/blood warming sort of oatmeal type food that I am to enjoy with a little cinnamon and granola if I'd like.....adding those things makes all the difference in the world, lemme tell ya! So, I started eating that this week instead of my usual Fage Greek Yogurt and Kashi cereal bar in the morning.
That was basically it. I needed to eat "congee" and take/track my BBT every morning and then set a follow-up appointment so she could see my progress.
Well, my progress is this......yes, my BBT is very, very, very erratic and I am still "cold" than average people in the morning (avg 97.4 in the past week). I have been enjoying my congee and eating A LOT HEALTHIER!!!! I'm talkin' I don't eat out for lunch, I stick with whole grains and organic foods, and I can still enjoy foods that I normally eat! I've never really been a junk-food-junkie and eating like this isn't that hard to do. Hooray! But basically what we're trying to do is get my cycle to become 28 days every time, where I ovulate precisely on day 14, where I have a beautiful tidal wave-like BBT chart and a period without the following: cramps, clots, pms, etc. (need I say more? you ladies know what I'm talkin' about) Did I leave anything out? I might have, but I'm trying to remember everything, ok???
I am going to be starting yoga classes this week and returning to ballet a week from tomorrow because they had a holiday....I can't wait! Yoga will increase blood flow and promote a stress-less lifestyle, so looking forward to that as well! I am enjoying being at home with Matt every night rather than seeing him for maybe a half hour before I headed off to teach dance in the evenings. Being a wife is what I'm meant to do....being a mother is the next step! We are on our way to a healthier life and then potentially a healthy, robust newborn! (and two silly dachshunds!)
Anyway, back to Kirsten, I made my follow-up appointment for a week from Labor Day (tomorrow) so I can proudly show her my odd looking (but predictable to her) BBT chart with Congee dripping off my chin! Ha! Oh ya! She also gave me a bottle of "Floradix" which is an iron supplement....google it, it's quite the stuff! After this appointment she will probably prescribe an acupuncture action plan. She did want me to get the HSG test which will have to wait until I start my period (unless I'm pregnant) just so we make sure that I'm not blocking any eggs from getting to where they need to be. The Dr. that she shares a practice with is Dr. Arredondo, reproductive endocrinologist....he came highly recommended, BUT they don't take my stupid insurance!!!!!! If I want to be seen with this guy it's either $325 for the initial consultation or I have to wait until January when our insurance changes to Blue Cross Blue Shield (which they DO take). Meh! I've waited this long, what's another 3 months, right?
Well, I am very hopeful that this is the right path for us! I know that God is at work and He is always directing our steps to what He wants for us and our family. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for us next!
Oh ya, the piranhas? Ya, we were watching Animal Planet's show "River Monsters" and that was the episode that was on while I was blogging it out on the 'puter.
G'night y'all!
Last Monday Matt and I went to visit The Texas Center for Reproductive Acupuncture (www.texasfertilityacupuncture.com) for our consultation with Kirsten Karchmer, who is co-founder of this place and a board certified reproductive acupuncturist. I admit that while we were driving to the appointment I was a little scared. First of all, they make you fill out this 5 page health history questionnaire which comes in very handy when Kirsten makes her "diagnosis" and prescribes her plan for you. Secondly, I was scared because I had so many questions "What if she can't help me?", "Am I really infertile?", "Are we doing the right thing, is this what God is leading us to do?".....you know, stuff like that! But we entered the doors and walked down the hallway of the fertility clinic that her practice is in. Funnily we were led down the hall paved with a sperm walk/swim way. LOL!!! That sight totally put me at ease.
We were welcomed by Kirsten and proceeded on into her room and sat down. Can I say that I am so glad that Matt was there even though he was groggy and probably not that excited to be there? I really am thankful for him, he puts up with a lot! (I mean a lot!) She took my paperwork, examined it for a bit and began to half ask questions and the other half tell me what was going wrong with me. It's like she's seen me before because she knew what she would see on my following pages just by glancing at my PMS symptoms and menstrual cycle information. (sorry if this is TMI, but I am an honest and open person, deal with it) She asked me so many other things and it went by so quickly that I can't remember all of them, but the next step came....my homework! She started off by giving me a "Basal Body Temperature for Dummies" run-down...my mom had told me sooo many times that I needed to track it, she even went as far as to buy me not only one, but two different digital basal thermometers! (that I haven't used since this week, sorry mom) Anyway, she told me to start tracking it daily and the path that she wanted my cycle/temperature to be at the end of 3 months. She told me that mine, based on my current health and cycle, would be pretty erratic, but it would eventually smooth out over time. After that she told me about eating for my cycle to promote this proper blood flow and to make for healthier blood. Apparently in chinese medicine, blood and it's flow is everything to maintain ideal health and wellness. My blood flow is not as good as it should be based on my symptoms. So she then prescribed "congee" for me to eat for breakfast every day!
Congee consists of one cup of organic brown rice, water and 6-7 dried apricots left in the crock pot to stew overnight on low heat. Random? Yup! It is a body/blood warming sort of oatmeal type food that I am to enjoy with a little cinnamon and granola if I'd like.....adding those things makes all the difference in the world, lemme tell ya! So, I started eating that this week instead of my usual Fage Greek Yogurt and Kashi cereal bar in the morning.
That was basically it. I needed to eat "congee" and take/track my BBT every morning and then set a follow-up appointment so she could see my progress.
Well, my progress is this......yes, my BBT is very, very, very erratic and I am still "cold" than average people in the morning (avg 97.4 in the past week). I have been enjoying my congee and eating A LOT HEALTHIER!!!! I'm talkin' I don't eat out for lunch, I stick with whole grains and organic foods, and I can still enjoy foods that I normally eat! I've never really been a junk-food-junkie and eating like this isn't that hard to do. Hooray! But basically what we're trying to do is get my cycle to become 28 days every time, where I ovulate precisely on day 14, where I have a beautiful tidal wave-like BBT chart and a period without the following: cramps, clots, pms, etc. (need I say more? you ladies know what I'm talkin' about) Did I leave anything out? I might have, but I'm trying to remember everything, ok???
I am going to be starting yoga classes this week and returning to ballet a week from tomorrow because they had a holiday....I can't wait! Yoga will increase blood flow and promote a stress-less lifestyle, so looking forward to that as well! I am enjoying being at home with Matt every night rather than seeing him for maybe a half hour before I headed off to teach dance in the evenings. Being a wife is what I'm meant to do....being a mother is the next step! We are on our way to a healthier life and then potentially a healthy, robust newborn! (and two silly dachshunds!)
Anyway, back to Kirsten, I made my follow-up appointment for a week from Labor Day (tomorrow) so I can proudly show her my odd looking (but predictable to her) BBT chart with Congee dripping off my chin! Ha! Oh ya! She also gave me a bottle of "Floradix" which is an iron supplement....google it, it's quite the stuff! After this appointment she will probably prescribe an acupuncture action plan. She did want me to get the HSG test which will have to wait until I start my period (unless I'm pregnant) just so we make sure that I'm not blocking any eggs from getting to where they need to be. The Dr. that she shares a practice with is Dr. Arredondo, reproductive endocrinologist....he came highly recommended, BUT they don't take my stupid insurance!!!!!! If I want to be seen with this guy it's either $325 for the initial consultation or I have to wait until January when our insurance changes to Blue Cross Blue Shield (which they DO take). Meh! I've waited this long, what's another 3 months, right?
Well, I am very hopeful that this is the right path for us! I know that God is at work and He is always directing our steps to what He wants for us and our family. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for us next!
Oh ya, the piranhas? Ya, we were watching Animal Planet's show "River Monsters" and that was the episode that was on while I was blogging it out on the 'puter.
G'night y'all!
Friggin funny pics!
So, we were having fun today.....this is the result of too much mexican coke!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.....Donatella Versace!!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.....Donatella Versace!!!!!
30 minutes before I get off from work.....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I got all my "chores" at work done! I haven't blogged in a while....I think it's time once again to spew out a few thoughts into the worldwide web. Here goes nothin'.....
I just wanted to start off with bad/sad/a blessing in disguise news (in case you didn't know already) I got let go from my dance teaching job at BNB last Thursday. It was a combination of several stupid "reasons". I put the word reasons in quotations because they really weren't reasons or at least good enough reasons for me. I was released as a result of the owner's feelings of inadequacy with herself and the future of her studio. The firing was not as a result of my amazing teaching skills and choreographical (is that a word, heather?) masterpieces. I know I'm a good teacher and she does too, but she didn't like the following things.....
1- I asked for time off too often....I asked time off when family/friends were in town, I was sick, my family was sick or I was going to visit family. Not good enough? Um, okay?
2- I took students to ballet classes and an occasional outing to Austin or so without her knowledge.....um, as long as I have the PARENT'S PERMISSION it shouldn't matter a tick to her. It was on my day off, my time, my gas, etc. etc. etc. She thought it wasn't a good idea for "her students" to be taking classes at any other studio. M'kay? Then why let them go to workshops? Why encourage them to do anything for that matter?
3- I cut my days down from teaching 3 nights a week to 2 nights a week. No big deal, right? Wrong! It bothered her that I had to do it....well, some of us are trying to have babies and the stress of working full time and teaching 3 nights a week, on top of barely seeing your husband is too much to deal with! No thanks, I'm good!
It's just totally dumb that this happened, but like I said earlier it is a blessing in disguise. Yes, it is sad that I don't get to teach those precious, talented girls, but I needed to not be as stressed anymore! I needed to be with Matt in the evenings! Last time I checked, you need a male to get pregnant, right? Or did they lie in Human Sexuality? LOL
Now onto good news! Hooray!!! I will keep it short because I'm almost off to head home to my sweet hubby!
- I'm taking ballet class at Ballet Austin every Monday morning!! I love ballet class! I love Austin!! Hooray for endorphins!!!!
- I'm going to start taking yoga somewhere soon. Right now it looks like Austin is my best bet, but I'm still doing research. I need to commit soon because I cannot stay dormant!
- I got my "Making Babies" book and am starting to read it. Lot's o' good stuff in there....which brings me to my next point....
-This coming Monday I'm going for a consultation with a Reproductive Acupuncurist! Looking forward to what they're gonna say and prescribe for me! I will do anything to get pregnant short of IVF! Pray for us!!!!
I cannot think of much of anything else. If I missed it, I will post it somehow. But pray please? I am so excited about our future! I know that God made the way for me to not stress anymore by removing something that I didn't need. He is at work! I am really looking forward to what He has in store...more to come soon! :)
I just wanted to start off with bad/sad/a blessing in disguise news (in case you didn't know already) I got let go from my dance teaching job at BNB last Thursday. It was a combination of several stupid "reasons". I put the word reasons in quotations because they really weren't reasons or at least good enough reasons for me. I was released as a result of the owner's feelings of inadequacy with herself and the future of her studio. The firing was not as a result of my amazing teaching skills and choreographical (is that a word, heather?) masterpieces. I know I'm a good teacher and she does too, but she didn't like the following things.....
1- I asked for time off too often....I asked time off when family/friends were in town, I was sick, my family was sick or I was going to visit family. Not good enough? Um, okay?
2- I took students to ballet classes and an occasional outing to Austin or so without her knowledge.....um, as long as I have the PARENT'S PERMISSION it shouldn't matter a tick to her. It was on my day off, my time, my gas, etc. etc. etc. She thought it wasn't a good idea for "her students" to be taking classes at any other studio. M'kay? Then why let them go to workshops? Why encourage them to do anything for that matter?
3- I cut my days down from teaching 3 nights a week to 2 nights a week. No big deal, right? Wrong! It bothered her that I had to do it....well, some of us are trying to have babies and the stress of working full time and teaching 3 nights a week, on top of barely seeing your husband is too much to deal with! No thanks, I'm good!
It's just totally dumb that this happened, but like I said earlier it is a blessing in disguise. Yes, it is sad that I don't get to teach those precious, talented girls, but I needed to not be as stressed anymore! I needed to be with Matt in the evenings! Last time I checked, you need a male to get pregnant, right? Or did they lie in Human Sexuality? LOL
Now onto good news! Hooray!!! I will keep it short because I'm almost off to head home to my sweet hubby!
- I'm taking ballet class at Ballet Austin every Monday morning!! I love ballet class! I love Austin!! Hooray for endorphins!!!!
- I'm going to start taking yoga somewhere soon. Right now it looks like Austin is my best bet, but I'm still doing research. I need to commit soon because I cannot stay dormant!
- I got my "Making Babies" book and am starting to read it. Lot's o' good stuff in there....which brings me to my next point....
-This coming Monday I'm going for a consultation with a Reproductive Acupuncurist! Looking forward to what they're gonna say and prescribe for me! I will do anything to get pregnant short of IVF! Pray for us!!!!
I cannot think of much of anything else. If I missed it, I will post it somehow. But pray please? I am so excited about our future! I know that God made the way for me to not stress anymore by removing something that I didn't need. He is at work! I am really looking forward to what He has in store...more to come soon! :)
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad....and other things too...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Today my mom and dad have been married for 39 years! Quite the feat, if you ask me. The years haven't been carefree or without challenges, but the most important thing is that they have God in their relationship. If you truly have God as the center of your marriage no one can seperate the two of you! A cord of three strands cannot easily be broken. So, I am thankful that my parents have made it this far. I just cannot believe that in one more year it will be 40 years! I guess I have my work cut out for me now as far as getting something put together to celebrate their 40 years next year. I'm not sure what is gonna happen yet....any suggestions? Vow renewal? Family trip to Norway? Family cruise? (you see how I'm incorporating the entire family? we're here too! lol)
I dunno, what do y'all think?
Anyway, congratulations mom and dad! I am proud to say that my parents have made it this far and they will make it even further! They aren't a part of a negative statistic!!! They made it through the empty nest too!!!! Yay!!! Now if I could only get the grandchildren thing working better...hmmmm.......did you hear that God? ;) I think He's gettin' sick of me! LOL, that's not true! (hooray for that)
So, I was reading an article from Conceive magazine about this new book coming out called "Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program For Maximum Fertility". They even had a preview of the first chapter! I must say that this book inspired me and I need a lot of that nowadays! I pretty much will take inspiration from wherever I can get it. I am expecting it in the mail sometime next week from Amazon.com. I will post more later about it as I start the "program".

Now, the other parts of my previous week...including today. It's been a hard one this week. I'm at this point that I don't really want to listen to other people's advice, but maybe my mom. Everyone says the same things to me. Here are some examples......"You need to take a trip and relax. Then it will happen!" or "You just need to stop trying. If you do that it will happen!" I think that one's my favorite....ever hear of the phrase "EASIER SAID THAN DONE"? Oh, I think there's more and they are so generic, but I know that everyone means well. I think what I need more than anything is your prayers. Taking advice from people who haven't had the challenges that we're going through is hard to take. Sorry about the brutal honesty that I'm hurling out today, but I have to be honest! It's not really encouraging to me. Prayers are encouraging...knowing that you care enough about me and my family to pray about our issues is the best thing you can do for me....in case you were wondering. Lift it up to God. Let me know that my concerns are your concerns....because I will always do the same for you!
I don't exactly know why we're going through this. I don't know why the same thing happened to my mom either. She only had the two of us, but she reeeeeally wanted more, God knew better. He always knows better, doesn't He? I'm just glad that I have my mom and her experiences. She knows exactly the pain that I'm going through. She knows the jealousy I feel and the discouragement every time another person I know announces their pregnancy. She knows it, she's been there! She had to go through it so she could help me! That's why God allowed it. Little did she know that she would have a daughter that would have to go through the same thing. Her experience gives me hope in that I know I will have a child or two or more one of these days. My mom was meant to be a mom. Mothering comes so naturally to her and she's good at it. I have been told by my friends that I will be a good mother because I tend to nurture everyone. People who need that kind of nurturing are just drawn to me and that's fine with me. God wouldn't have given me that gift if it wasn't meant to be used, right? He doesn't waste gifts, it's not His nature!
Well, those are my thoughts for today. Please pray for us. If you would like to see Matt and me become parents (and the Altman's become grandparents), please lift us up in your prayers. You all mean the world to us and if we can return the favor, just comment this post below or email me at sarahreed7880@gmail.com
Love y'all!
Sarah (mom in waiting)
I dunno, what do y'all think?
Anyway, congratulations mom and dad! I am proud to say that my parents have made it this far and they will make it even further! They aren't a part of a negative statistic!!! They made it through the empty nest too!!!! Yay!!! Now if I could only get the grandchildren thing working better...hmmmm.......did you hear that God? ;) I think He's gettin' sick of me! LOL, that's not true! (hooray for that)
So, I was reading an article from Conceive magazine about this new book coming out called "Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program For Maximum Fertility". They even had a preview of the first chapter! I must say that this book inspired me and I need a lot of that nowadays! I pretty much will take inspiration from wherever I can get it. I am expecting it in the mail sometime next week from Amazon.com. I will post more later about it as I start the "program".

Now, the other parts of my previous week...including today. It's been a hard one this week. I'm at this point that I don't really want to listen to other people's advice, but maybe my mom. Everyone says the same things to me. Here are some examples......"You need to take a trip and relax. Then it will happen!" or "You just need to stop trying. If you do that it will happen!" I think that one's my favorite....ever hear of the phrase "EASIER SAID THAN DONE"? Oh, I think there's more and they are so generic, but I know that everyone means well. I think what I need more than anything is your prayers. Taking advice from people who haven't had the challenges that we're going through is hard to take. Sorry about the brutal honesty that I'm hurling out today, but I have to be honest! It's not really encouraging to me. Prayers are encouraging...knowing that you care enough about me and my family to pray about our issues is the best thing you can do for me....in case you were wondering. Lift it up to God. Let me know that my concerns are your concerns....because I will always do the same for you!
I don't exactly know why we're going through this. I don't know why the same thing happened to my mom either. She only had the two of us, but she reeeeeally wanted more, God knew better. He always knows better, doesn't He? I'm just glad that I have my mom and her experiences. She knows exactly the pain that I'm going through. She knows the jealousy I feel and the discouragement every time another person I know announces their pregnancy. She knows it, she's been there! She had to go through it so she could help me! That's why God allowed it. Little did she know that she would have a daughter that would have to go through the same thing. Her experience gives me hope in that I know I will have a child or two or more one of these days. My mom was meant to be a mom. Mothering comes so naturally to her and she's good at it. I have been told by my friends that I will be a good mother because I tend to nurture everyone. People who need that kind of nurturing are just drawn to me and that's fine with me. God wouldn't have given me that gift if it wasn't meant to be used, right? He doesn't waste gifts, it's not His nature!
Well, those are my thoughts for today. Please pray for us. If you would like to see Matt and me become parents (and the Altman's become grandparents), please lift us up in your prayers. You all mean the world to us and if we can return the favor, just comment this post below or email me at sarahreed7880@gmail.com
Love y'all!
Sarah (mom in waiting)
I got tagged again.....I'm slow!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
So, ya.....I got tagged again by none other than Heather (alisgravenil). She's just so on top of her bloggings and tagging other lowly bloggers who cannot keep up, but are trying! ;) So here goes on tag #2!
The assignment is to.....
1- Describe 10 things about myself that you might not know.
2- Tag seven rockin' blog buddies to do the same. (I don't know if I have 7 to tag, but I'll try my best!)
The assignment is to.....
1- Describe 10 things about myself that you might not know.
2- Tag seven rockin' blog buddies to do the same. (I don't know if I have 7 to tag, but I'll try my best!)
10 Things About Sarah That You Might Not Know
1) This might just be as OCD as I get, but when I use the paper towel dispensers in public bathrooms I like to reel it out seven times so that I rip on "8". I think it comes from my dancing because it just feels right to pull down 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 and then rip on 8! You can't exactly use 3/4 time when you're at the paper towel dispenser, it doesn't work!
2) If I could go anywhere in the world and money was not a problem I would go to Australia! I wouldn't go to surf, or to snorkel, but I would just like to take lots of pictures and go visit Hillsong Church!
3) I don't have a favorite food. There isn't just one food that I would say is my favorite to eat all of the time. I like to try new things and I don't discriminate. However, there are a few foods that I will NEVER eat.....salmon (bad Norway memories), escargot (it's friggin' snails people, come on!), cow tongue (somewhere there's a cow trying to lick its baby and it can't,what a stupid thing to eat!), pork rinds (fried pork skin, blech!), frog legs (I may hate frogs, but I don't want to get back at them by eating their legs)....there might be more, but that's all I can think of right now!
4) I have a problem with people being in my "personal space". For example: For some reason whenever I'm at the grocery store the person next in line has to always stand withing a pinkie's reach from me. To avoid this, I try to put my shopping basket between myself and the freak whose invading my territory. I don't understand why they have to be so close to me, there's so much room for them far away from me! Listen! If I don't know you, but somehow I can manage to guess the perfume you're wearing, the size of your shirt and smell what you've had for dinner on your breath, then you're too dang close, back off! Phew!
5) My favorite place to be is Dallas, TX. I want to live there more than anything! I know a lot of texans in my neck of the woods don't particularly like the Dallas area, or the traffic, or even the people there, but somehow I feel right at home! It really has everything there and fun things happen there! If you've lived in San Antonio for a while and are used to having certain things available to you like a good deli, a bagel shop or even a bakery where you can just stop in anytime and have the best danish known to man, then Dallas is really like a Godsend! It isn't just one city either, there are oodles of other suburban areas like Grapevine, Southlake, Irving, etc. that have a lot to offer. It's a great place and I hope to live there one day :)
6) I do not like the number 6. I associate it with the devil and I just do not like it.
7) I lack confidence in my talents. I'm not exactly sure why, but I know that I am very aware of what others think of me. I know I've said I don't care what others think about me and I don't, but I do. I just want everyone to like what I do and how I do it whatever it may be. Perfectionist much? Sometimes......
8) I make the best mashed potatoes! I've been making Thanksgiving dinner with my mom since I was about 10 or 11 years old and she taught me how to make mashed potatoes and many other things. My mom is a great cook and baker! So is my dad too! And my husband....
9) I cannot cross my eyes completely. I have one eye that's nearsighted and one that's farsighted. I do wear glasses for reading and such. I don't need them for driving. You would think that I'd be more blind than I am, but my left eye is much stronger than the other, so it overcompensates for the lame right eyeball. Oh ya, I also have astigmatism!
10) I'm addicted to sweet tea, body waxing, pedicures, massages, Jason Mraz, The Office, So You Think You Can Dance, Sex and the City, the city of Austin.....and many, many more things!
2) If I could go anywhere in the world and money was not a problem I would go to Australia! I wouldn't go to surf, or to snorkel, but I would just like to take lots of pictures and go visit Hillsong Church!
3) I don't have a favorite food. There isn't just one food that I would say is my favorite to eat all of the time. I like to try new things and I don't discriminate. However, there are a few foods that I will NEVER eat.....salmon (bad Norway memories), escargot (it's friggin' snails people, come on!), cow tongue (somewhere there's a cow trying to lick its baby and it can't,what a stupid thing to eat!), pork rinds (fried pork skin, blech!), frog legs (I may hate frogs, but I don't want to get back at them by eating their legs)....there might be more, but that's all I can think of right now!
4) I have a problem with people being in my "personal space". For example: For some reason whenever I'm at the grocery store the person next in line has to always stand withing a pinkie's reach from me. To avoid this, I try to put my shopping basket between myself and the freak whose invading my territory. I don't understand why they have to be so close to me, there's so much room for them far away from me! Listen! If I don't know you, but somehow I can manage to guess the perfume you're wearing, the size of your shirt and smell what you've had for dinner on your breath, then you're too dang close, back off! Phew!
5) My favorite place to be is Dallas, TX. I want to live there more than anything! I know a lot of texans in my neck of the woods don't particularly like the Dallas area, or the traffic, or even the people there, but somehow I feel right at home! It really has everything there and fun things happen there! If you've lived in San Antonio for a while and are used to having certain things available to you like a good deli, a bagel shop or even a bakery where you can just stop in anytime and have the best danish known to man, then Dallas is really like a Godsend! It isn't just one city either, there are oodles of other suburban areas like Grapevine, Southlake, Irving, etc. that have a lot to offer. It's a great place and I hope to live there one day :)
6) I do not like the number 6. I associate it with the devil and I just do not like it.
7) I lack confidence in my talents. I'm not exactly sure why, but I know that I am very aware of what others think of me. I know I've said I don't care what others think about me and I don't, but I do. I just want everyone to like what I do and how I do it whatever it may be. Perfectionist much? Sometimes......
8) I make the best mashed potatoes! I've been making Thanksgiving dinner with my mom since I was about 10 or 11 years old and she taught me how to make mashed potatoes and many other things. My mom is a great cook and baker! So is my dad too! And my husband....
9) I cannot cross my eyes completely. I have one eye that's nearsighted and one that's farsighted. I do wear glasses for reading and such. I don't need them for driving. You would think that I'd be more blind than I am, but my left eye is much stronger than the other, so it overcompensates for the lame right eyeball. Oh ya, I also have astigmatism!
10) I'm addicted to sweet tea, body waxing, pedicures, massages, Jason Mraz, The Office, So You Think You Can Dance, Sex and the City, the city of Austin.....and many, many more things!
And now for the tagging......
Elizabeth Winston-Williams
Elizabeth Winston-Williams
New Blog
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I have been looking (unsuccessfully) for a journal that I would be able to write letters to my unborn child(ren). There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my future children, who they're going to be, when they're going to get here, etc. My friend, Jen, recommended to me that I start writing to my children. I want them to know how much they were loved and wanted. I want them to know that their mommy thought of them every single day and prayed for them and longed to hold them. So, I've decided that I'm going to start a journaling blog just for them. If you'd like to read it you can. The address is loveletterstoourkids.blogspot.com
A long time ago......
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
.....I was tagged to post something on my blog by Heather. I have actually been tagged twice by her, but this is the first time I've been able to accomplish the first tag. Don't worry Heather, I will be sure to get to the second tag in say......3 months! Ha!
Here is my assignment (If I so choose...and I do!)
The Picture Tells the Story
So here are the rules...
* Open my first photo folder
* Scroll down to the 10th photo
* Post that photo and story on my blog
* Tag five friends to do the same
Um, ya.....I kinda tweaked it a lil' to suit my current situation a little better because I don't have access to all my photos at the moment. Here's the picture....

This photo is from exactly 10 years ago this month. I didn't actually realize that until I was thinking of when it was taken, so I guess I didn't choose the picture, but the picture chose me?! This is from my first year as a counselor for the Ballet Magnificat! Summer Dance Intensive. The others in the picture are Elyn Vanderende, Heather Partington, Angel Hilemon and two others that if I thought for a very long time would possibly remember their names too. We were all counselors for the Caldwell dorm on the Belhaven College campus. I cannot remember how many girls I was in charge of that year, but they were the younger girls since I was only 18, going on 19, it was appropriate for me to have them. I remember that I had Jessica Perham in my group....the first day we had small group time we were introducing ourselves to each other and she said her full name very quickly. The girls thought she had said her name was "Clara Para"....lol! (her name is Jessica Claire Perham) hahaha....this got them laughing and it gave her a nickname. Angel (bending in the front of the picture) was like the mother hen to all of us girls. I remember always meeting up in her room before we went anywhere and fun stuff like that. I was dating Mike, my ex, and I think I spent more time being concerned with him than with what my "campers" were up to. Not that I'm proud of the previous sentence, it actually makes me upset that I was so blind to what was going on around me. You do live and learn though, that's what your 20's are for....hahahaha! Which brings me to my next point, I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THIS DECADE IS OVER!!!! I'm really looking forward to my 30's.
Anyway, there's my assignment. It's not too deep, but I think it's fun to look at that picture and reminisce. And now for the tagging....
Mom, Eawinstonwilliams, Daniella, Jana and Michelle
All y'all have been tagged. You have your assignment.....GO!
Here is my assignment (If I so choose...and I do!)
The Picture Tells the Story
So here are the rules...
* Open my first photo folder
* Scroll down to the 10th photo
* Post that photo and story on my blog
* Tag five friends to do the same
Um, ya.....I kinda tweaked it a lil' to suit my current situation a little better because I don't have access to all my photos at the moment. Here's the picture....

This photo is from exactly 10 years ago this month. I didn't actually realize that until I was thinking of when it was taken, so I guess I didn't choose the picture, but the picture chose me?! This is from my first year as a counselor for the Ballet Magnificat! Summer Dance Intensive. The others in the picture are Elyn Vanderende, Heather Partington, Angel Hilemon and two others that if I thought for a very long time would possibly remember their names too. We were all counselors for the Caldwell dorm on the Belhaven College campus. I cannot remember how many girls I was in charge of that year, but they were the younger girls since I was only 18, going on 19, it was appropriate for me to have them. I remember that I had Jessica Perham in my group....the first day we had small group time we were introducing ourselves to each other and she said her full name very quickly. The girls thought she had said her name was "Clara Para"....lol! (her name is Jessica Claire Perham) hahaha....this got them laughing and it gave her a nickname. Angel (bending in the front of the picture) was like the mother hen to all of us girls. I remember always meeting up in her room before we went anywhere and fun stuff like that. I was dating Mike, my ex, and I think I spent more time being concerned with him than with what my "campers" were up to. Not that I'm proud of the previous sentence, it actually makes me upset that I was so blind to what was going on around me. You do live and learn though, that's what your 20's are for....hahahaha! Which brings me to my next point, I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THIS DECADE IS OVER!!!! I'm really looking forward to my 30's.
Anyway, there's my assignment. It's not too deep, but I think it's fun to look at that picture and reminisce. And now for the tagging....
Mom, Eawinstonwilliams, Daniella, Jana and Michelle
All y'all have been tagged. You have your assignment.....GO!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I usually have something on my mind to blog about, but right now I am at a loss for words. I am happy and contented with my life right now. I guess I could write about what I've been up to for the past few days? Would y'all out in "blogland" like that? Alrighty......
I think I will start with Tuesday, June 9th.....my mom arrived in Texas while I was hard at work getting my Tuesday night classes ready for their recital. It was her 60th birthday, very exciting! My mom doesn't exactly look like she's 60 either which is great news for me! ;)
On Wednesday (6/10) I went to work, like usual, and later on that evening we went out to eat for my mom's birthday at her favorite tex-mex restaurant here, Pappasito's......pretty dang good food I might add! They sang a ridiculous birthday song, made her wear a sombrero and we got free sopapillas (if you don't know what those are....omg, you need to google them and find somewhere that sells them.....yum yummy yum yum yum).
So, that was Wednesday.....on to Thursday (6/11)....I went to work, then I rested for a bit at home before I went to the dreaded last rehearsal for Ballet 3 before the dress rehearsal/recital....it was good, but it was also very bad! I think both Tracie (owner of Ballet NB) and I were very stressed out this year with the whole swine flu breakout and the time that we lost for rehearsing their dances and stuff, that we went into this last class with our fists and jaws clenched. No joke, we really were wound up pretty tightly! Yikes! I will definitely give our girls kudos because they worked very hard for us and they put up with a lot that night.
Friday (6/12) I went to work and left at 3:00. I got my stuff together and headed out to TLU in Seguin (no, not sequin!)for the dress rehearsal.....Well, we started a little after 5:00 and got behind because of a music snafu! (i hate music snafu's they are the worst) Tracie and I didn't leave the auditorium until 11:00 that evening. When I got home I gathered my thoughts for the next day and then crashed in my bed.
Saturday (6/13) Shower? Check! Target for last minute details? Check!! Starbucks for a pick-me-up even though I would probably have heartburn later??? Check!!! We had a last minute dress rehearsal with the older girls at 11:00 and I don't know, but they could definitely feel our stress still, but we made it through. Recital started at 1:00, not on the dot, but close enough. Our recitals are a lot different than OTDC where as we do "demo's" here which shows the level system. I hate demo's with a passion because I feel that the class' recital dance is a reflection on what they've been learning for the past "dance year". Anyway, it is a waste of time (in my opinion) because it just takes waaaaay too long!!!!!! The recital progressed on as smooth as it could, but we didn't actually finish until 3:30-ish.....ugh! That was one long effing recital! Things will change next year, so help me God, they will change!
After recital was over I collected my weary body, my mom and my hubby and we head out to Bucee's in Luling, TX!

Need I say more? The place is worth visiting even if you aren't on a road trip! I just love all their Texas-y nick-nacks and jerky and ice cold dill pickles and fudge and beaver nuggets! Ahhhhh.....it's more fun than you and your grandmother could handle...lol! And the bathrooms really are as clean as advertised! Everyone gets their own stall and there are lysol wipes in there and air freshener....I don't feel like anyone is listening to me pee! I can do my business with confidence and ease! ;)
Back to Luling....I thought it would be nice to go a little further into Luling and visit one of the top 50 bbq joints in Texas, so we did. Luling is also the watermelon thumping capitol of Texas (maybe even the world?) and it is a hick, Deliverance-esque town. Hence the picture seen below and myself posing with a potential "thump queen" poster....

We ate at Luling Bar-B-Q and headed out after a somewhat scary time at their "farmer's market".....never again! Matt decided to head back to I-10 to get back home and then I decided to take a different route that would take us to I-35 via San Marcos, TX. I have never been that way before so I thought it would be fun to have an adventure with my mom! We passed by several "redneck yards of the week" and the "town pool", tons of random cemeteries and such. Those of you who live in Texas or have been here you know that the speed limits can change at any given time, but for the most part are actually posted with visible signs. Well, on our lil' joy ride I got pulled over and received a speeding ticket from one of the "redneck" police officers. I got caught in an effing speed trap in redneck usa!!!!! I was so mad! We were having the best time poking fun at everyone that we didn't notice the speed and we didn't see any posted speed limit signs (God's honest truth, there weren't any!). Whatever! Now I have to go back to that po-dunk town and visit the judge and beg for mercy....mer!
So, that was Saturday....big day full of ups and downs. Sunday (6/14) was fantastic though! We woke up and went to church at Oak Hills Church in SA. Max Lucado is the pastor there and it's just all around a really great church!

Those were pictures from Christmas Eve last year and here's another for funsies!

Can you say special?
Anyways, we went to Oak Hills for a very specific reason.....Shannon Wexelberg (who I have mentioned in several previous blogs) was going to be there leading worship and Bruce Bowen (from the SA Spurs) was going to be speaking. Although I support our Spurs I wasn't there for Bruce....I was there to participate in worship our Lord with one of my favorite singer/songwriters!

I got to meet her, speak with her, hug her and take a picture with her!!!! I don't have those pictures yet, but as soon as I do they will be up here for sure! That was definitely the highlight of my weekend. I will post more on that later also as this blog has become the longest in the history or blog-dom!
Peace out!
I think I will start with Tuesday, June 9th.....my mom arrived in Texas while I was hard at work getting my Tuesday night classes ready for their recital. It was her 60th birthday, very exciting! My mom doesn't exactly look like she's 60 either which is great news for me! ;)
On Wednesday (6/10) I went to work, like usual, and later on that evening we went out to eat for my mom's birthday at her favorite tex-mex restaurant here, Pappasito's......pretty dang good food I might add! They sang a ridiculous birthday song, made her wear a sombrero and we got free sopapillas (if you don't know what those are....omg, you need to google them and find somewhere that sells them.....yum yummy yum yum yum).
So, that was Wednesday.....on to Thursday (6/11)....I went to work, then I rested for a bit at home before I went to the dreaded last rehearsal for Ballet 3 before the dress rehearsal/recital....it was good, but it was also very bad! I think both Tracie (owner of Ballet NB) and I were very stressed out this year with the whole swine flu breakout and the time that we lost for rehearsing their dances and stuff, that we went into this last class with our fists and jaws clenched. No joke, we really were wound up pretty tightly! Yikes! I will definitely give our girls kudos because they worked very hard for us and they put up with a lot that night.
Friday (6/12) I went to work and left at 3:00. I got my stuff together and headed out to TLU in Seguin (no, not sequin!)for the dress rehearsal.....Well, we started a little after 5:00 and got behind because of a music snafu! (i hate music snafu's they are the worst) Tracie and I didn't leave the auditorium until 11:00 that evening. When I got home I gathered my thoughts for the next day and then crashed in my bed.
Saturday (6/13) Shower? Check! Target for last minute details? Check!! Starbucks for a pick-me-up even though I would probably have heartburn later??? Check!!! We had a last minute dress rehearsal with the older girls at 11:00 and I don't know, but they could definitely feel our stress still, but we made it through. Recital started at 1:00, not on the dot, but close enough. Our recitals are a lot different than OTDC where as we do "demo's" here which shows the level system. I hate demo's with a passion because I feel that the class' recital dance is a reflection on what they've been learning for the past "dance year". Anyway, it is a waste of time (in my opinion) because it just takes waaaaay too long!!!!!! The recital progressed on as smooth as it could, but we didn't actually finish until 3:30-ish.....ugh! That was one long effing recital! Things will change next year, so help me God, they will change!
After recital was over I collected my weary body, my mom and my hubby and we head out to Bucee's in Luling, TX!

Need I say more? The place is worth visiting even if you aren't on a road trip! I just love all their Texas-y nick-nacks and jerky and ice cold dill pickles and fudge and beaver nuggets! Ahhhhh.....it's more fun than you and your grandmother could handle...lol! And the bathrooms really are as clean as advertised! Everyone gets their own stall and there are lysol wipes in there and air freshener....I don't feel like anyone is listening to me pee! I can do my business with confidence and ease! ;)
Back to Luling....I thought it would be nice to go a little further into Luling and visit one of the top 50 bbq joints in Texas, so we did. Luling is also the watermelon thumping capitol of Texas (maybe even the world?) and it is a hick, Deliverance-esque town. Hence the picture seen below and myself posing with a potential "thump queen" poster....

We ate at Luling Bar-B-Q and headed out after a somewhat scary time at their "farmer's market".....never again! Matt decided to head back to I-10 to get back home and then I decided to take a different route that would take us to I-35 via San Marcos, TX. I have never been that way before so I thought it would be fun to have an adventure with my mom! We passed by several "redneck yards of the week" and the "town pool", tons of random cemeteries and such. Those of you who live in Texas or have been here you know that the speed limits can change at any given time, but for the most part are actually posted with visible signs. Well, on our lil' joy ride I got pulled over and received a speeding ticket from one of the "redneck" police officers. I got caught in an effing speed trap in redneck usa!!!!! I was so mad! We were having the best time poking fun at everyone that we didn't notice the speed and we didn't see any posted speed limit signs (God's honest truth, there weren't any!). Whatever! Now I have to go back to that po-dunk town and visit the judge and beg for mercy....mer!
So, that was Saturday....big day full of ups and downs. Sunday (6/14) was fantastic though! We woke up and went to church at Oak Hills Church in SA. Max Lucado is the pastor there and it's just all around a really great church!

Those were pictures from Christmas Eve last year and here's another for funsies!

Can you say special?
Anyways, we went to Oak Hills for a very specific reason.....Shannon Wexelberg (who I have mentioned in several previous blogs) was going to be there leading worship and Bruce Bowen (from the SA Spurs) was going to be speaking. Although I support our Spurs I wasn't there for Bruce....I was there to participate in worship our Lord with one of my favorite singer/songwriters!

I got to meet her, speak with her, hug her and take a picture with her!!!! I don't have those pictures yet, but as soon as I do they will be up here for sure! That was definitely the highlight of my weekend. I will post more on that later also as this blog has become the longest in the history or blog-dom!
Peace out!
A Good Conversation
Monday, June 8, 2009
I had a really great conversation with a great friend today. We talked about what I've been going through as far as babies and stuff like that. We also talked about what was going on in her life as well like how we both have "pity parties" when things aren't going as "planned" in our lives, etc. etc. We got on the subject of my conversation with Matt yesterday....we were talking about our future with children and such. We were discussing our options as far as would we pursue IVF if it came down to it, or would we go directly to adoption....stuff like that. As I'm sure y'all know that this whole fertility thing is a touchy issue with me, but I'm learning to deal with it and roll with the punches....but our conversation sparked kind of a small pity party and I said out loud "Why me? Why is God doing this to me? Why is He taking His time and won't just give us a baby already? Why does He ALWAYS do this to me? Why do I have to wait for everything???" That accompanied with tears lasted for a bit and finally I shut up. As soon as I did I listened for something, I don't know why, but I just sat there I heard a voice say to me "You asked to be my vessel, that's why you are waiting and I am waiting too". Wow! It's true though, I did ask Him to dwell in me. I did ask to be His vessel. I asked this over six years ago, but He reminded me of it just yesterday. I told God that I would do WHATEVER IT TAKES no matter what He needed to do in me. And I told Him I would wait....and boy, am I waiting or what!? When it all boils down to it, I am His. His will is my will. I want what He wants. And I will wait as longs as it takes as long as He is there with me every step of the way. I know He'll be there.
I was also "challenged" by my dear friend that maybe it isn't just my time that He's waiting for, but He is waiting for my future child's time as well. She reminded me that if we look at the good examples of the Bible like Moses, David, or even Hannah we see that they were placed into the world at a very precise time in the world to do very specific things. So, maybe this isn't just about me? What???!!! How can that be? (just kidding)But it makes perfect sense, doesn't it? In the book of Esther she was challenged by Mordecai (her cousin) to plead with King Xerxes (her husband) to get rid of Haman and eventually save her people (the Jews). Even though she was queen she would be risking her life to even approach the king without prior consent, obviously she would be frightened and hesitant to go to his chambers. Not to mention if he didn't accept her into his presence she could have been killed as well as her people. Anyway, "Mordy" spoke these words to her "Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” Can I get another wow?! Or perhaps an amen (and really..lol)?!! That phrase doesn't just apply to her being queen back then, but to all of us today.
We are always asking God "why"..... Why haven't I been promoted? Why am I not married yet? Why is my marriage/relationship falling apart? Why don't we have any kids yet? Why are my kids rebelling? Why? And yet God still says to us, "Who knows if perhaps this is happening to you now for such a time as this?" God may not be finished with where He has you right now, but just know that He has already prepared what is going to happen. He is shaping and transforming your life and your heart for what He has already prepared for you to do. All we have to do is wait. That isn't always the easy thing to do, but in the end IT WILL ALWAYS BE WORTH IT!
For me, I am still waiting on what He is doing. Let me rephrase that a little, we are waiting (Matt, God and me) on what is coming next. Maybe a baby? Whether we get pregnant naturally or we become parents through adoption I know without a doubt that it is all lined up for us. I feel that God is turning my heart toward adoption even more and He is softening my heart to these children who don't have parents. I know that He knows what is going to happen and I have peace in my heart that He is preparing not just Matt and me, but that He is also making our future child(ren) ready as well.
Don't worry about what you cannot see right now because your new season is coming, He is on the way and He is never late! (Hebrews 11:1)
I was also "challenged" by my dear friend that maybe it isn't just my time that He's waiting for, but He is waiting for my future child's time as well. She reminded me that if we look at the good examples of the Bible like Moses, David, or even Hannah we see that they were placed into the world at a very precise time in the world to do very specific things. So, maybe this isn't just about me? What???!!! How can that be? (just kidding)But it makes perfect sense, doesn't it? In the book of Esther she was challenged by Mordecai (her cousin) to plead with King Xerxes (her husband) to get rid of Haman and eventually save her people (the Jews). Even though she was queen she would be risking her life to even approach the king without prior consent, obviously she would be frightened and hesitant to go to his chambers. Not to mention if he didn't accept her into his presence she could have been killed as well as her people. Anyway, "Mordy" spoke these words to her "Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” Can I get another wow?! Or perhaps an amen (and really..lol)?!! That phrase doesn't just apply to her being queen back then, but to all of us today.
We are always asking God "why"..... Why haven't I been promoted? Why am I not married yet? Why is my marriage/relationship falling apart? Why don't we have any kids yet? Why are my kids rebelling? Why? And yet God still says to us, "Who knows if perhaps this is happening to you now for such a time as this?" God may not be finished with where He has you right now, but just know that He has already prepared what is going to happen. He is shaping and transforming your life and your heart for what He has already prepared for you to do. All we have to do is wait. That isn't always the easy thing to do, but in the end IT WILL ALWAYS BE WORTH IT!
For me, I am still waiting on what He is doing. Let me rephrase that a little, we are waiting (Matt, God and me) on what is coming next. Maybe a baby? Whether we get pregnant naturally or we become parents through adoption I know without a doubt that it is all lined up for us. I feel that God is turning my heart toward adoption even more and He is softening my heart to these children who don't have parents. I know that He knows what is going to happen and I have peace in my heart that He is preparing not just Matt and me, but that He is also making our future child(ren) ready as well.
Don't worry about what you cannot see right now because your new season is coming, He is on the way and He is never late! (Hebrews 11:1)
10 Years Ago.........
Saturday, May 23, 2009
This morning as I was getting ready to go in to work I was thinking about where I was in my life 10 years ago. I guess I do some of my best "thinking" while getting ready or just in the bathroom in general....lol! Gross? Anyway, back to the meat of this blog.....I was thinking about my life in regards to where I am and who I am today and comparing it to where I was 10 years ago. I thought I'd make a list on my blog today of the things I did and who I was 10 years ago and compare it to what is reality. So here goes......
10 Years Ago......
- It was 1999!
- I was 18, almost 19 years old
- I was in my dance prime and could have pursued it more as a career if I had wanted to
- I wore a size 4, but weighed 140 pounds! (HEAVY BONES DO EXIST!!! cuz I was tiny)
- I was easily influenced by those around me, but I really wanted my own way
- I started my first "adult dating relationship"......it turned out to be a disaster, but God redeems
- I demanded my own way because of my new found adulthood.....I was legally an adult, but very much a naive little girl ("I'm not a girl....not yet a woman......" lol!)
- I wanted to be just like all of my friends....they were getting married, they were married and having children, they were dating nice guys......I was alone...lonely......sad......desperate
- I never would have thought that my decisions would have taken me so far away from who I was, but like I said before....God redeems!
- I had no idea of what I wanted to do with my life
- I didn't always like who I was, so I essentially stopped being me
- I started to believe lies and forgot about the truth
- I thought God was my enemy and that He was keeping things away from me because my happiness was not His priority
- Don't get me wrong, I had fun 10 years ago, but I just spent a lot of time focusing on what I didn't have and what everyone else had.....sadly, not much has changed (human nature?)
- I am 28, almost 29
- I don't live in Sacramento, CA anymore....I live in Texas!
- I am married to the most amazing man and we've have been very happy together for almost 4 years now
- I own a house (not paid off, but it's ours)
- I teach dance (but I'd love to actually take class every once in a while.....I lack time!)
- Every now and then I want to look like I did 10 years ago, but as the days go by I realize more and more that it isn't a reality and I wasn't as happy then as I am now
- I have 2 of the most spoiled rotten dachshunds you'll ever meet....funny thing, I used to be soooo scared of dachshunds when I was younger (who remembers Dagwood?), but now that I own two of the little guys I see that they are very protective, territorial pups....I love them very much! My Sprock and Snick (a.k.a. Sprockesis, Snook, Pook, Snuffle Puffle, and most recently Bubu Lubu....we're very weird!)
- I'm still very demanding of my own way. I think that everything needs to be planned out and when something doesn't go as planned in my "books" I don't take it very well!
- I really do love my life. Sure, I have my ups and my downs, but I am in love with my life! I just want one more thing to make it absolutely perfection.....a baby......God's timing is perfect
- I know who I am and I know who I am in Christ....nobody and nothing can ever take that away from me!
- I know that God is on my side and if He is on my side, then who or what can come against me? Answer me that one!
It has taken a while to get to where I am and believe me, God is still working on me. He is molding and shaping me into who He wants me to be. He is using experiences whether good or bad to prove Himself trustworthy to me. He is faithful! He is good! He is my friend and my father! It's good to know that I'm not alone and never will be!
I leave you with some more amazing lyrics by the amazing Shannon Wexelberg. I highly recommend that you "google" her, she is an inspiration to me and to many and so is her music!
I hope you enjoy!
10 Years Ago......
- It was 1999!
- I was 18, almost 19 years old
- I was in my dance prime and could have pursued it more as a career if I had wanted to
- I wore a size 4, but weighed 140 pounds! (HEAVY BONES DO EXIST!!! cuz I was tiny)
- I was easily influenced by those around me, but I really wanted my own way
- I started my first "adult dating relationship"......it turned out to be a disaster, but God redeems
- I demanded my own way because of my new found adulthood.....I was legally an adult, but very much a naive little girl ("I'm not a girl....not yet a woman......" lol!)
- I wanted to be just like all of my friends....they were getting married, they were married and having children, they were dating nice guys......I was alone...lonely......sad......desperate
- I never would have thought that my decisions would have taken me so far away from who I was, but like I said before....God redeems!
- I had no idea of what I wanted to do with my life
- I didn't always like who I was, so I essentially stopped being me
- I started to believe lies and forgot about the truth
- I thought God was my enemy and that He was keeping things away from me because my happiness was not His priority
- Don't get me wrong, I had fun 10 years ago, but I just spent a lot of time focusing on what I didn't have and what everyone else had.....sadly, not much has changed (human nature?)
- I am 28, almost 29
- I don't live in Sacramento, CA anymore....I live in Texas!
- I am married to the most amazing man and we've have been very happy together for almost 4 years now
- I own a house (not paid off, but it's ours)
- I teach dance (but I'd love to actually take class every once in a while.....I lack time!)
- Every now and then I want to look like I did 10 years ago, but as the days go by I realize more and more that it isn't a reality and I wasn't as happy then as I am now
- I have 2 of the most spoiled rotten dachshunds you'll ever meet....funny thing, I used to be soooo scared of dachshunds when I was younger (who remembers Dagwood?), but now that I own two of the little guys I see that they are very protective, territorial pups....I love them very much! My Sprock and Snick (a.k.a. Sprockesis, Snook, Pook, Snuffle Puffle, and most recently Bubu Lubu....we're very weird!)
- I'm still very demanding of my own way. I think that everything needs to be planned out and when something doesn't go as planned in my "books" I don't take it very well!
- I really do love my life. Sure, I have my ups and my downs, but I am in love with my life! I just want one more thing to make it absolutely perfection.....a baby......God's timing is perfect
- I know who I am and I know who I am in Christ....nobody and nothing can ever take that away from me!
- I know that God is on my side and if He is on my side, then who or what can come against me? Answer me that one!
It has taken a while to get to where I am and believe me, God is still working on me. He is molding and shaping me into who He wants me to be. He is using experiences whether good or bad to prove Himself trustworthy to me. He is faithful! He is good! He is my friend and my father! It's good to know that I'm not alone and never will be!
I leave you with some more amazing lyrics by the amazing Shannon Wexelberg. I highly recommend that you "google" her, she is an inspiration to me and to many and so is her music!
I hope you enjoy!
Work of Art
You are the potter and I am the clay
You are the artist and I am the paint
You are the writer and I am Your song
I will be Your instrument my whole life long
So, mold me, change me, color me....
In shades of You, In shades of You
Play me, sing through me a melody
So when they look at me
They will only see
Who You are
You are my Father and I am Your child
An empty vessel and You are the fire
All that You are, Lord, is all I desire
Master, Creator....take my life!
And mold me, change me, color me....
In shades of You, in shades of You
Play me, sing through me a melody
So when they look at me
They will only see
Who You are
Create in me Your work of art
You are the potter and I am the clay
You are the artist and I am the paint
You are the writer and I am Your song
I will be Your instrument my whole life long
So, mold me, change me, color me....
In shades of You, In shades of You
Play me, sing through me a melody
So when they look at me
They will only see
Who You are
You are my Father and I am Your child
An empty vessel and You are the fire
All that You are, Lord, is all I desire
Master, Creator....take my life!
And mold me, change me, color me....
In shades of You, in shades of You
Play me, sing through me a melody
So when they look at me
They will only see
Who You are
Create in me Your work of art
P.S. I might post something on here soon that has to do with this song!!!! Stay tuned, friends! (Corn, this means you! wink, wink)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The time has come for two good things to end..... American Idol and Dancing With The Stars. For those of you who don't watch these shows here are the winners (it may not make any difference to you, but here they are anyway)

Kris Allen
Winner of American Idol Season 8
Winner of American Idol Season 8

Shawn Johnson
Dancing With The Stars Champion 2009
Congratulations to them both! They were amazing competitors and both races were very tight! And now for something kind of different.......SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!!!!!!!!! Just stay tuned as I'm sure I will be posting stuff about this show when it comes on TONIGHT!!!!!!
P.S. A lil' birthday shout out to my brother, Bart! I love you! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you and the family! Looking forward to October and ACL!!!! You are still officially old today!
Dancing With The Stars Champion 2009
Congratulations to them both! They were amazing competitors and both races were very tight! And now for something kind of different.......SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!!!!!!!!! Just stay tuned as I'm sure I will be posting stuff about this show when it comes on TONIGHT!!!!!!
P.S. A lil' birthday shout out to my brother, Bart! I love you! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you and the family! Looking forward to October and ACL!!!! You are still officially old today!
Amazing Lyrics!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I don't know if many of you out there have heard of Barlow Girl, but they are a band of sisters that are truly amazing! This song below has to be one of my most favorite songs ever. The lyrics are very powerful. They were truly inspired spiritually when this song was composed because there is so much truth about God in here and about ourselves. Yes, there will always be times in our lives when God seems like He isn't at work and He has turned His own mute button. No matter how much you cry out it feels like maybe He just isn't there......oh, but He really is! There have been times in my life in the past, today (as you all know so well) and in the future where God is going to be silent for my own good. His silence is where our faith kicks into hyper-drive....ludicrous speed......warp speed.....whatever.
"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."
Hebrews 11:1 NLT
"And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."
Hebrews 11:6 NLT
These passages were written over a thousand years ago and they still stand to be valid today. For me, Hebrews 11:1 is my life's verse. I love it! I have it plastered on my walls at home. I need this sustenance in front of my face every day! And I just love going to biblegateway.com and reading this verse in all the different bible translations....for example:
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. (The Message)
NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, a]">[a]the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. (Amplified Bible)
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV)
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (NIV)
I could keep going, but I won't. I just want you to know that I do have faith. I want God to know that even through my tears and anger my faith is still in Him and His plan. Even though I cannot see Him or hear His voice all of the time I know He is still there. I know He is holding me tightly in a ginormous "bear hug". I know that my tears aren't cried in vain. He will come through! He has before and He will again.
Anyway, here are the song lyrics. I hope that if you haven't ever heard them sing it that you would find it and download it or something. It's beautifully written and sung!
Hope y'all are having a great Thursday!
Love, Sarah
I Believe In Love
Barlow Girl
How long will my prayers seem unanswered?
Is there still faith in me to reach the end?
I'm feeling doubt I'm losing faith
But giving up would cost me everything
So I'll stand in the pain and silence
And I'll speak to the dark night
I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe
Though I can't see my stories ending
That doesn't mean the dark night has no end
It's only here that I find faith
And learn to trust the one who writes my days
So I'll stand in the pain and silence
And I'll speak to the dark night
I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe
No dark can consume Light
No death greater than this life
We are not forgotten
Hope is found when we say
Even when He is silent
I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe.
"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."
Hebrews 11:1 NLT
"And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."
Hebrews 11:6 NLT
These passages were written over a thousand years ago and they still stand to be valid today. For me, Hebrews 11:1 is my life's verse. I love it! I have it plastered on my walls at home. I need this sustenance in front of my face every day! And I just love going to biblegateway.com and reading this verse in all the different bible translations....for example:
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. (The Message)
NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, a]">[a]the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. (Amplified Bible)
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV)
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (NIV)
I could keep going, but I won't. I just want you to know that I do have faith. I want God to know that even through my tears and anger my faith is still in Him and His plan. Even though I cannot see Him or hear His voice all of the time I know He is still there. I know He is holding me tightly in a ginormous "bear hug". I know that my tears aren't cried in vain. He will come through! He has before and He will again.
Anyway, here are the song lyrics. I hope that if you haven't ever heard them sing it that you would find it and download it or something. It's beautifully written and sung!
Hope y'all are having a great Thursday!
Love, Sarah
I Believe In Love
Barlow Girl
How long will my prayers seem unanswered?
Is there still faith in me to reach the end?
I'm feeling doubt I'm losing faith
But giving up would cost me everything
So I'll stand in the pain and silence
And I'll speak to the dark night
I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe
Though I can't see my stories ending
That doesn't mean the dark night has no end
It's only here that I find faith
And learn to trust the one who writes my days
So I'll stand in the pain and silence
And I'll speak to the dark night
I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe
No dark can consume Light
No death greater than this life
We are not forgotten
Hope is found when we say
Even when He is silent
I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe.
Good morn!
Hooray for sonic and a pretty decent night's sleep! It felt good to vent last night! Thank you to all yall that commented. I love yall more than words can express!
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
For those of you who read this blog I'm sure it won't surprise you one bit to know that I am a highly emotional person. This past week I've been struggling with my emotions quite a bit. I know I know, it's not even Thursday yet, but it's been a hard week. It more than likely comes from a variety of reasons such as this is Matt's second straight week of nights and I don't go to bed at a decent hour or get very good sleep when he isn't here. It could also be that Mother's Day is coming up this Sunday and I miss my mom. Or again that this Sunday is Mother's Day and yet again for the past 4 years I'm not a mom. It is quite a cocktail of reasons for the strong emotional flash flood that has stormed into my life this week. My heart is hurting tonight as I type this blog out. My mind is weary and I am having trouble getting the words out that I so much want to say. Saying that I'm angry at God for putting a huge speed bump in our way as Matt and I go along together in our marriage wouldn't be exactly what I am feeling. Yes, I am angry and I feel bitterness creep up from time to time, but I love my God and I know without a shadow of a doubt that He knows what He is doing. I cannot see it right now, but I know that He will reveal it when the time is right. My patience's "thickness" changes as the days go on. Today my patience is very thin...paper thin....it's anorexically thin. I just don't understand what could possibly need to happen before we become parents. His ways are so much higher than mine and I am not meant to understand, but I WANT TO UNDERSTAND ALREADY!!!!!!!!! What is He doing? Why are we going through this? Why???? I need to know!!! I just want Him to reveal it to us! I want to know that I'm not going to have to go through fertility treatments or ivf or any of those other things that I fear. I praise Him for healing my body this past few months. I had stopped ovulating for a little while, but it has started again without the assistance of Clomid. I am so thankful for this! Matt doesn't have anything wrong with his swimmers either. (This is getting personal, but I have to release this emotional pressure, so sorry about the heaviness) According to God and science there is nothing wrong with us! What is going on though? Month after month after month, nothing! We live in this big house and I have 2 empty rooms that would love to be filled with the coo-ing of a newborn (even the crying or screaming) and a changing table/dresser that longs to be filled with diapers and Boudreau's Butt Paste! Target has the cutest airplane themed nursery bedding and decor right now! I want to wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of my baby needing me to give it something. I want to sing to my baby. I want to be a mommy and to see my sweet husband be the father that he is meant to be. It just hurts that we're not there yet. I know that there are tons of people out there that are going through the same thing as us. I know I'm not alone in this. Gosh! I know I must need counseling because the pain of carrying the burden of 2 past miscarriages and 4 years of uncertainty are really wearing me down. Like I've said in previous posts, I have my good days, weeks or months, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about how awesome it will be to finally be pregnant and to have a child of my own. The waiting is painful and when it's done I will know it was all worth it. Just a little light at the end of this tunnel would be nice to see! I want my frustrations and fears to go away....wishful thinking? More than likely. The one thing that I need more than anything is to know that my friends have my back in all of this. I need to know that y'all are praying for us and if I can pray for you it would be my honor! I am just so emotionally drained that I don't know if I have anything else to say.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings...I promise it will be more upbeat after this week is over....I hate it when Matt works nights! I love you all!
Thanks for listening to my ramblings...I promise it will be more upbeat after this week is over....I hate it when Matt works nights! I love you all!
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