30 minutes before I get off from work.....

I got all my "chores" at work done! I haven't blogged in a while....I think it's time once again to spew out a few thoughts into the worldwide web. Here goes nothin'.....

I just wanted to start off with bad/sad/a blessing in disguise news (in case you didn't know already) I got let go from my dance teaching job at BNB last Thursday. It was a combination of several stupid "reasons". I put the word reasons in quotations because they really weren't reasons or at least good enough reasons for me. I was released as a result of the owner's feelings of inadequacy with herself and the future of her studio. The firing was not as a result of my amazing teaching skills and choreographical (is that a word, heather?) masterpieces. I know I'm a good teacher and she does too, but she didn't like the following things.....

1- I asked for time off too often....I asked time off when family/friends were in town, I was sick, my family was sick or I was going to visit family. Not good enough? Um, okay?

2- I took students to ballet classes and an occasional outing to Austin or so without her knowledge.....um, as long as I have the PARENT'S PERMISSION it shouldn't matter a tick to her. It was on my day off, my time, my gas, etc. etc. etc. She thought it wasn't a good idea for "her students" to be taking classes at any other studio. M'kay? Then why let them go to workshops? Why encourage them to do anything for that matter?

3- I cut my days down from teaching 3 nights a week to 2 nights a week. No big deal, right? Wrong! It bothered her that I had to do it....well, some of us are trying to have babies and the stress of working full time and teaching 3 nights a week, on top of barely seeing your husband is too much to deal with! No thanks, I'm good!

It's just totally dumb that this happened, but like I said earlier it is a blessing in disguise. Yes, it is sad that I don't get to teach those precious, talented girls, but I needed to not be as stressed anymore! I needed to be with Matt in the evenings! Last time I checked, you need a male to get pregnant, right? Or did they lie in Human Sexuality? LOL

Now onto good news! Hooray!!! I will keep it short because I'm almost off to head home to my sweet hubby!

- I'm taking ballet class at Ballet Austin every Monday morning!! I love ballet class! I love Austin!! Hooray for endorphins!!!!

- I'm going to start taking yoga somewhere soon. Right now it looks like Austin is my best bet, but I'm still doing research. I need to commit soon because I cannot stay dormant!

- I got my "Making Babies" book and am starting to read it. Lot's o' good stuff in there....which brings me to my next point....

-This coming Monday I'm going for a consultation with a Reproductive Acupuncurist! Looking forward to what they're gonna say and prescribe for me! I will do anything to get pregnant short of IVF! Pray for us!!!!

I cannot think of much of anything else. If I missed it, I will post it somehow. But pray please? I am so excited about our future! I know that God made the way for me to not stress anymore by removing something that I didn't need. He is at work! I am really looking forward to what He has in store...more to come soon! :)