2009 Reflection QuestionsBe sure to leave me a comment with a link if you answer them. Happy New Year!
1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
A lot of great things happened this year that I cannot think of a single "thing" that was the best, so I will list a few....is that ok? I got to travel to CA twice, I went to Disneyland after over 15 years of not going there, I quit my old job and got a fabulous new job, I overcame depression.....there are more than that, but I had to list a few!
2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
The most challenging thing was overcoming depression and jealousy from the lack of being a mother or being pregnant yet. I have learned this year to continue to walk in the path that God prepared for me and to not be envious of other people's paths because we're all different.
3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?
An unexpected joy this past year was probably going back to taking dance classes at Ballet Austin. I love teaching ballet, but not as much I love taking ballet class! Don't get me wrong....teaching ballet is probably one of my favorite things to do, but the joy of not being the teacher and returning to the ballet barre is fantastic! I remember I was taking my second class when I returned to taking that I was doing plie's and I was filled with happiness and strong emotion that I started to tear up. Dance is what I'm supposed to do, even if I'm not the "ideal" dancer, it's what I was designed to do!
4. What was an unexpected obstacle?
The most unexpected obstacle that I faced this year was when I was fired from my teaching position at Ballet New Braunfels. People may think that I hold a lot of hard feelings towards that studio and those who attend there, but that isn't the case. I have forgiven those who intended to hurt me and discourage me and I have moved on. I still refuse to stay out of the lives of those precious girls that I used to teach because they are amazing young women and young dancers and I just want to see them grow in their lives as well as their talents.
5. Pick three words to describe 2009.
Difficult, Enlightening, Healing
6. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe your 2009 (don’t ask them; guess based on how you think your spouse sees you).
Emotional, Healed, Facebook.....J/K....maybe Moving On (can I use one bigger word and a smaller word too?)
7. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe their 2009 (again, without asking).
Awkward, Slow, Learning/Growing
8. What were the best books you read this year?
"Fearless" By: Max Lucado
9. With whom were your most valuable relationships?
God, my husband, my parents, BNB special Mommies, my "kiddos".....
10. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
My biggest personal change from Jan to December was my transformed heart. How I learned to be satisfied in where I am right now while I continue to hope for what's to come.
11. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?
I feel that I learned to maintain my ability to keep my passion for a family alive without becoming overly obsessed about it. I feel that I used to just focus on what I didn't have yet and only see the small things, rather than look at the bigger picture. We all tend to just focus on the smaller things in life instead of seeing the blessing in where God has us right now. We always want what we don't have and I feel that this year I've learned to keep that hope for a family alive without driving myself and everyone around me crazy.
12. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?
Well, Matt and I haven't been regularly attending church services this year. I'm not proud of that fact, but it's the truth. It has nothing to do with lack of faith or being angry with God because that is ridiculous. We haven't been able to find a good, truth-teaching, genuine people and leadership church here where we are at. Funny thing is the other night while we were laying in bed Matt brought up that subject that he'd like to find a church to belong to again. The trouble is we've been to pretty much every church in the greater San Antonio area and have even ventured up to Austin and have found nothing! This is sooooo discouraging and I feel kind of hopeless in our search right now. Anyways, now that I've explained what's going on I need ya'll to know that even though we haven't been attending church in a building, God has continued to amaze me and teach me things every day regardless of our situation. God isn't relegated to any one church or a church building for that matter. He is everywhere and with us all the time! A fabulous way that we've found to still attend church is by going online at lifechurch.tv! We can still get good teaching and sing worship songs online! I don't plan on always attending church by this means, but it's nice to know that it's out there! The fact is that God has continued to move in our life and He hasn't gone anywhere. My faith is stronger now than it was a year ago and that didn't come from sitting in a pew every Sunday morning. My faith grew because I stayed faithful to studying God's Word and prayer. He also didn't ever leave my side either....and that's the best part of all!
13. In what way(s) did you grow physically?
I started taking ballet classes again and that helps diminish stress as well as keeps me healthy! I'd like to take more classes during the week when I can. I plan on doing so starting in january!
14. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?
I think that my relationships with others could be better. This is something I'd like to improve upon in 2010.
15. What was the most enjoyable area of managing your home?
I love having a nice home and I love it when it's clean, but that doesn't happen all of the time! Cleaning the house is something that I somewhat enjoy doing, but when you have 2500 square feet to clean.......torture!!! If I had the extra money I would hire someone to tidy up for me at least once a month. My favorite thing is to decorate and organization.....when I get the chance to.
16. What was your most challenging area of home management?
Cleaning a two-story, 2500 square foot house! I long for the one-story days again! Our next house will be a one-story fo sho!
17. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
Depression......people say that Facebook is a time waster, but I don't really agree with that. The stupid things like Farmville and whatever-ville are the time wasters, but reconnecting with old friends and seeing what's going on in everyone's lives is my favorite part!
18. What was the best way you used your time this past year?
Using my photography talents.....I'd like to use that more this new year for sure!
19. What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
See all the previously answered questions above!
20. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2009 for you.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of things we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
I answered them all before the end of 2009!!!! Hope y'all have fun answering them too :-)
PDawg's 2009 Reflection Questions
Thursday, December 31, 2009
I know the questions didn't come directly from HP, but she inspired me by her blog to answer them too. I am also a sucker for questionnaires and I couldn't resist! So here goes nothin'......
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I love reading these kind of things. I learn new things. Like YOUR HOUSE IS TWO STORIES AND 2500 square feet???? Do I need to move to Texas or what? Geez. You sound like you're in a good place, though. Glad you answered these. :)
I'm glad I answered them too! I too am a sucker for questionnaires! ;) Happy 2010, Heather!
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