Here is my assignment (If I so choose...and I do!)
The Picture Tells the Story
So here are the rules...
* Open my first photo folder
* Scroll down to the 10th photo
* Post that photo and story on my blog
* Tag five friends to do the same
Um, ya.....I kinda tweaked it a lil' to suit my current situation a little better because I don't have access to all my photos at the moment. Here's the picture....

This photo is from exactly 10 years ago this month. I didn't actually realize that until I was thinking of when it was taken, so I guess I didn't choose the picture, but the picture chose me?! This is from my first year as a counselor for the Ballet Magnificat! Summer Dance Intensive. The others in the picture are Elyn Vanderende, Heather Partington, Angel Hilemon and two others that if I thought for a very long time would possibly remember their names too. We were all counselors for the Caldwell dorm on the Belhaven College campus. I cannot remember how many girls I was in charge of that year, but they were the younger girls since I was only 18, going on 19, it was appropriate for me to have them. I remember that I had Jessica Perham in my group....the first day we had small group time we were introducing ourselves to each other and she said her full name very quickly. The girls thought she had said her name was "Clara Para"! (her name is Jessica Claire Perham) hahaha....this got them laughing and it gave her a nickname. Angel (bending in the front of the picture) was like the mother hen to all of us girls. I remember always meeting up in her room before we went anywhere and fun stuff like that. I was dating Mike, my ex, and I think I spent more time being concerned with him than with what my "campers" were up to. Not that I'm proud of the previous sentence, it actually makes me upset that I was so blind to what was going on around me. You do live and learn though, that's what your 20's are for....hahahaha! Which brings me to my next point, I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THIS DECADE IS OVER!!!! I'm really looking forward to my 30's.
Anyway, there's my assignment. It's not too deep, but I think it's fun to look at that picture and reminisce. And now for the tagging....
Mom, Eawinstonwilliams, Daniella, Jana and Michelle
All y'all have been tagged. You have your assignment.....GO!
Oooh, fun! I'll do mine in a bit.
Yes, I too am looking forward to getting out of my 20's. I think the 20's are so much worse than the awkward teens.
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