I dunno, what do y'all think?
Anyway, congratulations mom and dad! I am proud to say that my parents have made it this far and they will make it even further! They aren't a part of a negative statistic!!! They made it through the empty nest too!!!! Yay!!! Now if I could only get the grandchildren thing working better...hmmmm.......did you hear that God? ;) I think He's gettin' sick of me! LOL, that's not true! (hooray for that)
So, I was reading an article from Conceive magazine about this new book coming out called "Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program For Maximum Fertility". They even had a preview of the first chapter! I must say that this book inspired me and I need a lot of that nowadays! I pretty much will take inspiration from wherever I can get it. I am expecting it in the mail sometime next week from Amazon.com. I will post more later about it as I start the "program".

Now, the other parts of my previous week...including today. It's been a hard one this week. I'm at this point that I don't really want to listen to other people's advice, but maybe my mom. Everyone says the same things to me. Here are some examples......"You need to take a trip and relax. Then it will happen!" or "You just need to stop trying. If you do that it will happen!" I think that one's my favorite....ever hear of the phrase "EASIER SAID THAN DONE"? Oh, I think there's more and they are so generic, but I know that everyone means well. I think what I need more than anything is your prayers. Taking advice from people who haven't had the challenges that we're going through is hard to take. Sorry about the brutal honesty that I'm hurling out today, but I have to be honest! It's not really encouraging to me. Prayers are encouraging...knowing that you care enough about me and my family to pray about our issues is the best thing you can do for me....in case you were wondering. Lift it up to God. Let me know that my concerns are your concerns....because I will always do the same for you!
I don't exactly know why we're going through this. I don't know why the same thing happened to my mom either. She only had the two of us, but she reeeeeally wanted more, God knew better. He always knows better, doesn't He? I'm just glad that I have my mom and her experiences. She knows exactly the pain that I'm going through. She knows the jealousy I feel and the discouragement every time another person I know announces their pregnancy. She knows it, she's been there! She had to go through it so she could help me! That's why God allowed it. Little did she know that she would have a daughter that would have to go through the same thing. Her experience gives me hope in that I know I will have a child or two or more one of these days. My mom was meant to be a mom. Mothering comes so naturally to her and she's good at it. I have been told by my friends that I will be a good mother because I tend to nurture everyone. People who need that kind of nurturing are just drawn to me and that's fine with me. God wouldn't have given me that gift if it wasn't meant to be used, right? He doesn't waste gifts, it's not His nature!
Well, those are my thoughts for today. Please pray for us. If you would like to see Matt and me become parents (and the Altman's become grandparents), please lift us up in your prayers. You all mean the world to us and if we can return the favor, just comment this post below or email me at sarahreed7880@gmail.com
Love y'all!
Sarah (mom in waiting)
That's awesome. Congrats to your mom and dad, and to you I say just tell everybody and their advice that they can shove it. It's a good strategy for when you become a parent, because people will try to tell you what to do then too, and you just listen politely and smile and then go home and do what feels right for you and Matt because nobody but Da Lord knows what you need more than the two of you. /end soapbox
Thanks Heather! You're a real pal :)
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