A Little More of Kari.....
Thursday, January 28, 2010Kari Jobe
Wednesday, January 27, 2010A lot of times we get caught up in life's problems and sometimes we blame God for them. We start to believe lies that God is "punishing me" or "I've done too much wrong to ever be blessed again" or "How can He continue to love me after what I've done". Those lies take over our mind and we doubt Him and His love. We start to turn God into a human who holds onto grudges and forgives when He's ready. The best thing is GOD ISN'T HUMAN! In I John 4:8 it clearly says that "God is love". To know love is to know God. We can always take God at His word because His word is truth and life. In Romans 8 it says, "What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else? Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us".
I can see it now, Jesus in all His glory is sitting by our Heavenly Father looking at us and our lives pleading and interceding on our behalf. When we feel that we've gone too far, Jesus is on our side. When we feel that His blessings have run out and we've had too many chances, Jesus is our spokesperson! Isn't it good to know that we've got the creator of the universe on our side? Isn't it good to know that His love will never run out because He is love? Yes, it is good! It is very good!
If you've never heard Kari Jobe sing, just prepare yourself for the purest voice of an angel! I hope you enjoy this clip of her singing her song "You Are For Me". Let the words sink into your soul and let God sing His love over you through this message today!
Going Up?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Well..... I guess I'm heading up another mountain. Just when you think you've reached a resting point, or a plateau or maybe even the top, another climb shows up. And I'm not talking just any climb, I'm talking about the steepest, most difficult climb yet.
Went to see the R.E. today for my initial consultation and it really did go well. The Dr. was everything I wanted her to be. She was sensitive, caring, informative and she wasn't just going to write me off as another IVF candidate. (Thank God) We talked about our health history and family's health history, symptoms, blah blah blah blah........ It ended up with a power point presentation on what could be wrong and what they can do to help us reach that oh so far away mountain top peak.....PREGNANCY/PARENTHOOD.
Oh ya, I almost forgot the best part....I am being half serious right now, can you sense my sarcasm at all? The best part was when I got that wonderful "inner ultrasound" so she could better assess my girly goodies and we discovered something very interesting......I have classic polycystic ovaries. It is pretty much a 90% plus chance that I have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). Talk about Mt. Everest! I knew there was something abnormal with me, but this is pretty hard to wrap my head around right now. Why couldn't my previous Dr's have figured this out sooner? It's not like it was hiding itself.......
That is an example of what my ovaries look like. My Dr. called it the "pearl necklace". So, still I wonder, why haven't they seen this before? Did they even look hard enough???
To say that I've had a hard day today would be the understatement of the year. It's been a friggin' (yes, I said friggin') emotional rollercoaster. I went into the appointment all calm, cool and collected. "I've got this", I told myself, "I'm stronger than I was two years ago (true), nothing's gonna bring me down!" Ya, right! The moment she mentions the two miscarriages and the anger associated with it, a little piece of my strong facade breaks off. We end that portion of the consultation and head into the ultrasound room. I lay down and look up; she shows me my ovaries; I sit up and say "Did I do this to myself?" and the crying begins again, but with full force. The best thing about the Dr is she came to my side and comforted me.....I think she's done this before.....heck, she's probably heard those words a million times!!!
I don't know why or how this happened, but apparently there's nothing I could do about it. Ugh! Nothing I could do about it??? I'm not a control freak, but why must my body constantly be rebellious??? Why can't life be peaches and cream, or rainbows on a rainy day, or a liesurely walk in the park? What I mean is why can't MY LIFE be that way. I don't mean to complain, but for Pete's sake, when am I gonna get a break? When is my blessing coming?
I am reminded of a psalm that has stuck with me for a looooong time. I first heard it sung by the incomparable Shane and Shane, but it is a passage from the Bible.
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
How long will you look the other way?
2 How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul,
with sorrow in my heart every day?
How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
3 Turn and answer me, O Lord my God!
Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
4 Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying, “We have defeated him!”
Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.
5 But I trust in your unfailing love.
I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
6 I will sing to the Lord
because he is good to me.
I am not alone as I climb up another peak on this mountain called "My Life". When I reach the peak there will be rest and there will be victory in the rest. I am not fighting for each grasp or foothold by myself, my God is there with me and He's climbing with me and He's leading my way. He is going to have to show me where to put what hand on what rock and if I slip, He will catch me and set me on the right path. If He's climbing along with me, He feels every discouragement, every fear, every tear and the sweat that's streaming down my body. He knows my anguish and my desire for it to all go away. He too is longing for the day when I can declare "Victory" in this battle. It will all be worth it!
Here's just another song that I've held onto for a long time. The words are so meaningful for everything that we're waiting on in our lives. Whether it's a baby, a healing in your body, a lifelong mate to come along, a broken marriage put back together again....remember you're not alone in your waiting. God is waiting too.....
Words and Music By: Shannon Wexelberg
I've tried to be strong
Is there something I've done wrong?
Cause I've been waiting here so long
You see each tear
As the months have turned to years
For some reason You must want me here
I can see You're breaking up my fallow ground
In this season of such barrenness, Lord, I have found
You are in the waiting
In that moment of my life
When my faith and hope collide
While my heart's anticipating
Just how and when You'll move
Oh, that's when You prove
You are in the waiting too
So, plant Your seed
'Til it's living, Lord, in me
Make me all You want me to be
Unveil my eyes
If I've exchanged the truth for lies
Give me faith so I can see
The work that You began You will complete in me
I don't have to understand that place You're keeping me
You give me water in the desert
You lift me up on eagle's wings
So from way up high, I can see my life
From Your view of things
Though I've cried out for an answer
I believe that I can say
Thank You, Lord, for every answer You've delayed
You are in the waiting
In that moment of my life
When my faith and hope collide
While my heart's anticipating
Just how and when You'll move
Oh, that's when You prove
You are in the waiting too
Tuesday, January 19, 2010I don't like to use the word "scared" very often because that would mean that I might possibly not be as brave as I let people think I am. But the fact is, I am scared. I am scared that the doctor still won't find something "wrong" with me and I'll continue being an abnormal female. I am scared that what's wrong with me won't be able to be fixed easily or even fixed at all. I am scared that the doctor is going to file me away in the "IVF file" and write me off completely. I am scared of not ever having a child of my own.
I am a huge Sex and the City fan and have watched it for years!!! I know that it's just fiction and that the character's lives aren't real, but their stories have and still touch my heart to this day. One storyline that has stuck with me is that of Charlotte York-Goldenblatt.

Charlotte was the eternal optimist. She always could see the positive in anything and everyone no matter how dire the situation was. Charlotte was the hopeless romantic and believed in love and all that it represents. I guess it was her naivety that lead to her first marriage to Trey McDougal which failed miserably due to his being a total selfish and inconsiderate husband. While she went through the divorce process she met Harry Goldenblatt who she hired as her divorce attorney. Later on they fall in love (for reals) and get married. While she was married to Trey and then Harry later on Charlotte struggled with her infertility. She tried everything from positive thinking, testing, fertlity treatments and acupuncture to no avail. At the end of the SATC series she and Harry get approved to adopt a little girl from China and she finally gets what she wants. They made a SATC movie which picks up a few years after the series ends and you see Charlotte and Harry raising this beautiful little girl that they name Lily. In the movie Charlotte finally gets pregnant on her own and gives birth to another little girl that they name Rose.

I have always had a stronger connection to this character than the others because I totally identify with her. She always wanted to have a relationship with a good man. She finds a good man and he turns out to be a total dud. She leaves him and finds a man that she never thought she'd ever see herself with, but he's perfect for her. They get married and can't start a family because there's something "wrong" with her, but they don't know why! Can you see why I relate to her story???
The best thing about Charlotte was her ability to persevere through her trials. She ended up with everything she wanted even though it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows on her road to getting there. Yes, this was the life that was written for her by the writers for the show, but I know I'm not the only woman out there that can relate with her make believe life. Her story inspires me regardless if it's the truth or if it's fictional.

Funny thing is now that I've focused on this sweet story, I've forgotten about my fears about tomorrow's appointment. I am more excited to see what is in store. I am ready to get this ball rolling and to start taking all the tests necessary to see what can be fixed. I have hope and I know that the One who writes my story has only good things in store for me and my future family with my "Harry".
SJR aka. Charlotte ;-)
Man!!! I always have writer's block!!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Anyways, onto what I really was blogging about.... The Golden State vs. The Lone Star State. I'm not going to say that either state is better than the other because there are great things about both states! Do I ever want to live in Cali again? Not really. Let's just say that being in Texas during these times of economic issues has been a real blessing. In fact, it was so good to live here that tons of people from other states migrated to our neck of the woods. I cannot tell you how many ex-Californians I have met in the past year, it's astounding! San Antonio was rated the best place to live and work in the US last year because we didn't feel the effects of the recession. It's like we were in a protective bubble here.
Another reason I love being in Texas rather than California is the housing market. When Matt and I were living in CA it literally felt impossible for us to buy a house or even a tiny condo and still be able to survive! Don't get me wrong, we looked at houses and tried to do the math to see if we could ever afford something and the results of our calculations were just depressing. When we got to TX we thought, why not check out what's out there and see if it's possible. What do we have to lose? Nada! We looked for maybe a month at most and within that month we locked down a great deal on a hugemongous house! We got a 30 year fixed rate mortgage on a 2400 sq foot house with NO MONEY DOWN!!! We got over $10,000.00 knocked off of the price and they threw in a refrigerator, washer/dryer and a $1000.00 gift card to Linens n' Things! Oh and we got the house for just under$150K! That would have never happened for us in CA, not in a million years! The housing market is only getting better here......when the time comes for us to move we don't worry about selling our house because we live in a highly desirable area in San Antonio and we're close to a thriving AFB. For the price we are paying here we would have been able to afford a "condo" in CA. I put condo in quotations because the condo we would have afforded was a remodeled apartment complex that was made into condos......sorry, those are still apartments....you aren't fooling anyone!
Let's see what else is better here??? Lots and lots of things are! Our education, athletics, our government, our freeways, etc. There are too many things to name, but one of the other things that I find to be better here is our commitment to our troops and their families. We are proud of our men and women in the US military. Yes, we have people here who are not in favor of the war that we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they aren't going crazy over protesting it. They protest in their own ways, but they still support our military. The other night Matt and I were at dinner and we noticed a man and his family at another table. Obviously he was a soldier who had returned from fighting because he had severe damage on his head, upper body and his arms from burns. He had an apparatus that he used in lieu of his hands because he had lost both of them. He had military tattoos on the other parts of his arms. Anyway, their waitress came up to them and told them that their meal had been taken care of by another patron in the restaurant. She also said that the person that paid for their meal wanted to thank them for their service and was proud of them. I started to choke up a little because it was amazing that someone would actually be nice enough to recognize a soldier in public. We love our soldiers here!
There are good things about California that I miss very much! I miss my family and friends a lot! I love the people that I've met here and have established relationships with, but I miss my Cali peeps a lot. I miss the mountains and the snow! We don't have that here in TX.....we have everything else, but no mountains! We'd like to think that our wine is good here, but it ain't California wine! There's just something very special about the soil there, it's perfect for winemaking!
All in all there are great things about both states, but I choose to be here! I love Texas and I am a Texan now....I've always wanted to be a Texan and now my wish has come true!
Yes, I know it's January 11th!!!
Monday, January 11, 20102010 is going to be a fantastic year, I just know it! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for this year. So, I guess I'll start off with a few things that I'm excited for in the upcoming months.....
We are planning a trip sometime very soon to visit Matt's family in Georgia and Mississippi. Hopefully we'll get to take a little trip to Savannah as it is one of the places that I'd love to visit while we are there! I'll keep y'all posted as plans are finalized.
I just found out that Matt's sister and her youngest son, Dakota, are planning on coming back here to visit us in Texas for their spring break. That'll be fun and I hope that we get to do more with them this time! Last year Jill and the kids came here for a visit and she ended up spending a good bit of her time at the hospital. Jill got really sick and was diagnosed with a huge kidney stone which needed immediate attention. So, not only did she come to Texas for a visit, but she also got to experience our hospitals as well. Eek! It won't happen this next time I'm sure of it!
I turn the big 3-0 this year!!! Goodbye 20's and hello 30's!!!! I'm ready to put this decade behind me already! I think the 20's are just for being an immature adult! Yes, you do a lot of growing up in your 20's, but in my case I made a ton of mistakes. I did learn from them, but let's just say I didn't always take the easy road! So, I've got about 10 more months left in my twenties until I kiss them bye-bye.....hooray!!!
Matt and I will celebrate 5 years of sweet, wedded bliss this year! It still seems like only yesterday I met my wonderful man. I continue to be blessed every day that I spend married to my amazing Matt!!! Man, 5 years totally flew by fast!
I'm sure there will be some random trips to California this year and to Dallas, etc. We are in the talks of spending Christmas in Lake Tahoe with the whole family/extended family. Lord knows I'd loooooove a white Christmas.....again, I'll be keeping y'all posted on that as plans get solidified.
There are things that I certainly put in my "hope box" for this year. I'm sure those of you who read this blog might have already guessed what they are, but in case you didn't know here they are again.
1) To get pregnant and have a very healthy pregnancy and baby
2) For Matt to get promoted so that I can be free to be a stay at home mom when the time comes
3) I don't think I have a number 3 exactly, but as the year progresses and things happen, I may fill this spot.
I don't really want/need a whole lot. The things I listed above are things that we pray for every single day and would hope that if you're reading this you'd pray specifically for what I've listed. I really do covet your prayers and would be happy to return the request any time you need it! Those of you that read this are my friends and some of you I don't live close to anymore, but I am here for you! If you have a prayer need please feel free to email me at sarahreed7880@gmail.com. If I can't be there for you physically I'd very much like to be here for you in prayer!
Happy 2010 everyone! I hope that your hopes and prayers are answered this year in accordance to God's perfect will!