Those of you who read my blog know that Matt and I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and of my recent visits to the R.E. I just wanted y'all to have an update on what's going to be happening in the next few days so that you can pray specifically for it.....
-The Dr. prescribed me a dose of Provera (Medroxyprogesterone) to "jump start" my cycle. After two months of nothing I finally started last Tuesday. This is a praise request because I can finally get the ball rolling with the other procedures that I need for a full diagnosis and treatment plan.
-I went in for more blood tests last Thursday and I'm not exactly sure of what they were testing for this time, but they took like 6 more vials of blood. We shall see.....
-I was scheduled for two different tests for this coming Monday and Tuesday. The first test is a SHG (Sonohysterogram) which is an ultrasound of my uterus that they do with a saline solution. What it does is check for uterine abnormalities, fibroids, polyps, or anything that would hinder a fertilized egg from implanting in my uterus. The second test is an HSG dye test (Hysterosalpingogram) which is a test where they inject a dye into my girl parts again and at the same time they are taking x-rays to check the health of my fallopian tubes. The tubes could be fine or they could be blocked, damaged, swollen, etc. But this test will determine if they are normal or not. If there are any blockages in the tubes sometimes they can be unblocked by the dye (which is a good thing). A lot of women who have blocked tubes become pregnant shortly after this test because the blockage has been removed and finally their eggs can travel freely! Not that I'm hoping for that result, but if I'm blocked I wish to not be blocked any longer.
My fears are that they're gonna find something terribly wrong with me and not be able to fix it. I don't want to hear "You have a condition that makes it impossible for you to bear children". I know that when people say "impossible" God says "possible", but I'm still human and I'm still scared of the unknown. I'm afraid of the pain that's associated with the HSG test and I'm afraid that the pain will be so unbearable that I won't be able to finish the test.
So, now that you know what's going on here's what I'd like prayer for.......
*A peace-filled mind while I go in for the tests.
*Wisdom for the Dr's as they perform the procedures on me and for a "fixable" diagnosis.
*For the pain, that it would either be non-existent or very minimal.
*For my emotions to be kept under control no matter what the outcome.
*For the diagnosis; to be clear of what my condition is and to have a good, solid game plan as to what the next step is.
Friends, I really want to thank you for your heartfelt words and prayers for us as we go through this tougher time. It would be harder if there weren't people out there lifting us up in prayer and encouragement, so thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for your kindness! I've said this before and I'll say it again, if you're ever in need of prayer please let me know because I would love to return the favor!
Love y'all and I'll be keeping everyone posted as we know more!
on it.
Thanks :)
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