Hey! It's the first day in May, today......heeheehee

I have been a bad blogger! I haven't been on here to report anything for the longest time and that's shameful I must say. Life has just happened. When life happens, nothing else happens. April was quite the month though! Here is a little rewind for ya'll.......Jill and the kids came to visit..... Jill ended up having emergency surgery to remove a huge-mongous kidney stone during her vaca here..... Matt and I decided to sell our house so we can pay off more debt..... We haven't officially put the house on the market yet, but we are in the process of doing so...... I quit my job at the Retreat (thank the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for that one) even though I miss everyone there so much I don't regret the decision that I made...... I started working at another salon/spa this last Tuesday and I like it a lot, it is different, but it's closer to home and it's much more peaceful around here..... The swine flu "s" hits the fan and the first confirmed case in TX occurs at the HS right across the street from where we live..... My dance studio and all the schools in the surrounding districts get closed down for disinfection and all that jazz, it's irritating because we are now dangerously close to recital time and every class is muy importante..... *OMG, the song "You Spin Me Right Round" is on the radio right now.....lol!!* So, yah.....um, that's essentially what has occured for the past month that I haven't been on here typing my heart out ;-)

What do I have to look forward to? Well, at the end of this month I will be doing the picture day for the dance studio that I teach at, our recital is the 2nd weekend in June and we will be at a much larger theater than last year (TYJ!). I'm not sure whether or not we will be going anywhere this summer yet. I know that the last 2 years Matt has been disappointed on the 4th of July because he hasn't been able to blow anything up (we have the good fireworks here, but a burn-ban......not fair!) so we might head on over to Mississippi to visit family and friends and to blow things up. Some great movies are coming out......man, my life is so boring, eh?!

I wish I had more to say, but I honestly can't think of anything else. I wish I was as witty and as awesome as Heather, but I am not. If anyone out there that actually reads these blogs o' mine wants to give me something to look forward to like coming to visit here and we can go tubing or whatever I'd be tickled bronze (cuz I'm tan).

Hopefully something interesting happens soon,


Heather Scott Partington said...

Hi, here's me telling you that I want you to blog more often, even if you are just sharing your randoms. I like reading them anyway.

Also, I really do want to think about coming there sometime. Is it possible that could be a real thing that actually happens? I miss you lots and it would be lots of fun. For reallies.

PS what's all this about Mississippi you keep facebook-statusing about? You can email me if you don't want to say here. Is it an opportunity for you, or Matt? Does it involve one of our favorite Jackson attractions? ;) Lemme know, the suspense, eet eez killing me.

daniella said...

I read your glob...I mean, blog ;-)

And I like to read about all the mundane things too, so keep posting!