These are the constant ramblings of a southern gal who is married to a wonderful southern guy. We didn't start off here in the great state of Texas, but we were always meant to be here!
Here are pictures of the dress and shoes that I will be wearing for Easter this year. It is a tradition that my mom and dad buy me an easter dress and shows (sometimes it included a hat, but not this year). Enjoy!
I'm so jealous. The dress is GORGEOUS! And those shoes...I have no words but "I.Want.Them."
Too bad we can't take pics together and go to Fat's in Folsom with everyone like we always do :-( I need to stop thinking about it or else I'll wallow for the rest of the day.
I'm so jealous. The dress is GORGEOUS! And those shoes...I have no words but "I.Want.Them."
Too bad we can't take pics together and go to Fat's in Folsom with everyone like we always do :-( I need to stop thinking about it or else I'll wallow for the rest of the day.
I agree. I wish we still had those times too. :(
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