I think I will start with Tuesday, June 9th.....my mom arrived in Texas while I was hard at work getting my Tuesday night classes ready for their recital. It was her 60th birthday, very exciting! My mom doesn't exactly look like she's 60 either which is great news for me! ;)
On Wednesday (6/10) I went to work, like usual, and later on that evening we went out to eat for my mom's birthday at her favorite tex-mex restaurant here, Pappasito's......pretty dang good food I might add! They sang a ridiculous birthday song, made her wear a sombrero and we got free sopapillas (if you don't know what those are....omg, you need to google them and find somewhere that sells them.....yum yummy yum yum yum).
So, that was Wednesday.....on to Thursday (6/11)....I went to work, then I rested for a bit at home before I went to the dreaded last rehearsal for Ballet 3 before the dress rehearsal/recital....it was good, but it was also very bad! I think both Tracie (owner of Ballet NB) and I were very stressed out this year with the whole swine flu breakout and the time that we lost for rehearsing their dances and stuff, that we went into this last class with our fists and jaws clenched. No joke, we really were wound up pretty tightly! Yikes! I will definitely give our girls kudos because they worked very hard for us and they put up with a lot that night.
Friday (6/12) I went to work and left at 3:00. I got my stuff together and headed out to TLU in Seguin (no, not sequin!)for the dress rehearsal.....Well, we started a little after 5:00 and got behind because of a music snafu! (i hate music snafu's they are the worst) Tracie and I didn't leave the auditorium until 11:00 that evening. When I got home I gathered my thoughts for the next day and then crashed in my bed.
Saturday (6/13) Shower? Check! Target for last minute details? Check!! Starbucks for a pick-me-up even though I would probably have heartburn later??? Check!!! We had a last minute dress rehearsal with the older girls at 11:00 and I don't know, but they could definitely feel our stress still, but we made it through. Recital started at 1:00, not on the dot, but close enough. Our recitals are a lot different than OTDC where as we do "demo's" here which shows the level system. I hate demo's with a passion because I feel that the class' recital dance is a reflection on what they've been learning for the past "dance year". Anyway, it is a waste of time (in my opinion) because it just takes waaaaay too long!!!!!! The recital progressed on as smooth as it could, but we didn't actually finish until 3:30-ish.....ugh! That was one long effing recital! Things will change next year, so help me God, they will change!
After recital was over I collected my weary body, my mom and my hubby and we head out to Bucee's in Luling, TX!

Need I say more? The place is worth visiting even if you aren't on a road trip! I just love all their Texas-y nick-nacks and jerky and ice cold dill pickles and fudge and beaver nuggets! Ahhhhh.....it's more fun than you and your grandmother could handle...lol! And the bathrooms really are as clean as advertised! Everyone gets their own stall and there are lysol wipes in there and air freshener....I don't feel like anyone is listening to me pee! I can do my business with confidence and ease! ;)
Back to Luling....I thought it would be nice to go a little further into Luling and visit one of the top 50 bbq joints in Texas, so we did. Luling is also the watermelon thumping capitol of Texas (maybe even the world?) and it is a hick, Deliverance-esque town. Hence the picture seen below and myself posing with a potential "thump queen" poster....

We ate at Luling Bar-B-Q and headed out after a somewhat scary time at their "farmer's market".....never again! Matt decided to head back to I-10 to get back home and then I decided to take a different route that would take us to I-35 via San Marcos, TX. I have never been that way before so I thought it would be fun to have an adventure with my mom! We passed by several "redneck yards of the week" and the "town pool", tons of random cemeteries and such. Those of you who live in Texas or have been here you know that the speed limits can change at any given time, but for the most part are actually posted with visible signs. Well, on our lil' joy ride I got pulled over and received a speeding ticket from one of the "redneck" police officers. I got caught in an effing speed trap in redneck usa!!!!! I was so mad! We were having the best time poking fun at everyone that we didn't notice the speed and we didn't see any posted speed limit signs (God's honest truth, there weren't any!). Whatever! Now I have to go back to that po-dunk town and visit the judge and beg for mercy....mer!
So, that was Saturday....big day full of ups and downs. Sunday (6/14) was fantastic though! We woke up and went to church at Oak Hills Church in SA. Max Lucado is the pastor there and it's just all around a really great church!

Those were pictures from Christmas Eve last year and here's another for funsies!

Can you say special?
Anyways, we went to Oak Hills for a very specific reason.....Shannon Wexelberg (who I have mentioned in several previous blogs) was going to be there leading worship and Bruce Bowen (from the SA Spurs) was going to be speaking. Although I support our Spurs I wasn't there for Bruce....I was there to participate in worship our Lord with one of my favorite singer/songwriters!

I got to meet her, speak with her, hug her and take a picture with her!!!! I don't have those pictures yet, but as soon as I do they will be up here for sure! That was definitely the highlight of my weekend. I will post more on that later also as this blog has become the longest in the history or blog-dom!
Peace out!